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Thread: Adi shankara Posts - Jalpa Thread 2

  1. #81
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    Re: Adi shankara Posts - Jalpa Thread 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Garuda View Post
    although you were replying to bhagavatafan user, Vishnu is not our self. SRI Krushna clearly said in the 2nd adhyaya of BG that Jiva and Prakriti is different from him and between each Jiva differences are there based on karma not on the suddha Jivas though! if jiva==paramaatma, all jivas are same and the pain experienced by one jiva should be shared by other jivas as well as all jivas would be equal at that point.
    I'm not body, I'm not mind, I'm not intellect, I'm not Prana. Thus I'm not Jiva. 'Aham' of Paramatmaa is called as Jeeva. Who am I? I'm Atma which is supreme.

    The pain experienced by Jiva is separated by Aham - The reflection of sun may appear in all pots and each pot is unaffected by other pots.
    Hari On!

  2. #82

    Re: Adi shankara Posts - Jalpa Thread 2

    Quote Originally Posted by hinduism♥krishna View Post
    I'm not body, I'm not mind, I'm not intellect, I'm not Prana. Thus I'm not Jiva. 'Aham' of Paramatmaa is called as Jeeva. Who am I? I'm Atma which is supreme.

    The pain experienced by Jiva is separated by Aham - The reflection of sun may appear in all pots and each pot is unaffected by other pots.
    Think you are confused, as the bhagawadgita is irrefutable pramana, Sri Krushna clearly clearly explained that he is different from prakriti and Jiva, Adi Shankaracharya although he is advaitan, his only authentic commentaries are Brahma sutra, vishnu sahasranamam, and BG.

    Sri Krushna in the 2nd adhyaya itself said this, you , I and Prakriti are different and he divided people into 4 as mentioned in 7th chapter of BG.
    1. Arthaha
    2. Jignasa ( the one who desires only atma( the one which contains Jnanam as swaroopam and swabhawam)
    3. Artharthi
    4. Jnani (Jnani has eka bhakti, they don't desire anything other than bhagawan Krushna, and he said 'sacha mama priyaha' )

    this also clearly says that atma and paramaatma are different. who the hell are we to say otherwise. In the end of 7th chapter he again says what upasana has to be done by people who desire their atma and who desire him alone(jnani)

    Multiple instances, so dont say jiva and paramaatma are same and again say i accept BG as pramana. Both are contradictory.

    He again says in 14th i think , about kshetrajna(jiva) and kshetram belongs to him (Paramaatma)

    adiyen Ramanuja Daasa.

  3. #83
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    Re: Adi shankara Posts - Jalpa Thread 2


    Quote Originally Posted by Garuda View Post
    this also clearly says that atma and paramaatma are different. who the hell are we to say otherwise.
    Hinduism encompasses a million schools of thought. Whenever a question is posed to 100 Hindus, they all answer differently. If spiritual upliftment is the aim of life, why waste it on fighting other Hindus over the supremacy of one school of thought over another. You cannot change 'made up minds' by intimidation or becoming a debater. The most that will happen is that people will move on and you will think like you won the debate. Is that your aim in the forum? Are you going to spend your life fighting other Hindus? Is that going to elevate you spiritually? Do you think you are doing favors to 'your gods' by fighting on their behalf in the forum? Will that help you to get nirvana? If so, are you fighting for selfish reason - to get nirvana - rather than glorifying your gods? Is this whole game for self promotion instead of serving the gods? Would spending that time in 'your god's' service not be more beneficial than spending it on fighting on his behalf? Is your god so weak that he needs a human being like yourself to protect Him? Do you think you are the god's gift to humanity and must set everything right on his behalf. Would your fighting not take you on a downward spiral, instead of what you might be dreaming as getting nirvana as a reward for fighting on someone's behalf? Are you ever calm and quiet and contemplative to even think about the injury that you are causing to others with your behavior? Do people who attack and injure others, physically or mentally or emotionally worthy of any favors from gods? Just observe maun for few weeks, take a leave from the forum and think about your behavior and where would it lead you. A man of your intelligence should be able to see the futility of your efforts and the waste of precious life on hounding other Hindus!


  4. #84

    Re: Adi shankara Posts - Jalpa Thread 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Believer View Post

    Hinduism encompasses a million schools of thought. Whenever a question is posed to 100 Hindus, they all answer differently. If spiritual upliftment is the aim of life, why waste it on fighting other Hindus over the supremacy of one school of thought over another. You cannot change 'made up minds' by intimidation or becoming a debater. The most that will happen is that people will move on and you will think like you won the debate. Is that your aim in the forum? Are you going to spend your life fighting other Hindus? Is that going to elevate you spiritually? Do you think you are doing favors to 'your gods' by fighting on their behalf in the forum? Will that help you to get nirvana? If so, are you fighting for selfish reason - to get nirvana - rather than glorifying your gods? Is this whole game for self promotion instead of serving the gods? Would spending that time in 'your god's' service not be more beneficial than spending it on fighting on his behalf? Is your god so weak that he needs a human being like yourself to protect Him? Do you think you are the god's gift to humanity and must set everything right on his behalf. Would your fighting not take you on a downward spiral, instead of what you might be dreaming as getting nirvana as a reward for fighting on someone's behalf? Are you ever calm and quiet and contemplative to even think about the injury that you are causing to others with your behavior? Do people who attack and injure others, physically or mentally or emotionally worthy of any favors from gods? Just observe maun for few weeks, take a leave from the forum and think about your behavior and where would it lead you. A man of your intelligence should be able to see the futility of your efforts and the waste of precious life on hounding other Hindus!

    you are completely off topic, first off all i would not use the word 'hindu' as this itself is a coined term but that is whole different subject together. The people cannot create gods and when they say Rudra is supreme or atma=paramaatma and say i accept vedas as pramana that cannot be said. Think you have no points to offer. please stay away from the topic if you have nothing worth of to add and am not fighting anyone, it might look like a fight for you as you might have not understood what was written!

    Please post some suitable points if you can refute whatever that is said.

    This is the cause, the same behavior which created tons of recent made up fake gods like sai baba and ayyappa! There is no your god and my god , god is only one and he is Maha Vishnu

    adiyen Ramanuja Daasa

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