Re: Hi, I do not class myself as Vegetarian!
Vegetarianism was just something that occurred naturally, I wasn't really trying to be vegetarian. But the last few times I went to prepare meat, the flesh just disgusted me.
I became vegetarian-minded a little while before I discovered Sanatana Dharma, so when I realised a meat-free diet was recommended for a spiritual life it wasn't nearly so difficult because like yourself, I began to abstain purely because the smell, the taste and even the texture of meat began to put me off dinner. IMO, the more you begin dwelling on the idea behind vegetarianism based upon self-enquiry and compassion for the animal which has died for your consumption - where did it come from, what soul inhabited this body before being taken to the slaughterhouse, what did it feel before it died, did it know it was going to die, etc.? ... when all these thoughts begin filling your head, it's only a matter of time before you find you cannot bring the animal's flesh to your lips anymore. There is that famous quote from Paul McCartney when he says that if abbatoirs were made of glass nobody would want to eat meat anymore, at least not anyone with a sense of empathy for his fellow creature. It becomes no longer simply a case of wanting the pleasure of taste sensation. You even begin asking questions like the ones you just asked - how does my not eating meat affecting my spiritual life? Does it make a difference to God if I do or do not?
I don't think eating meat makes you a "bad" person or any less spiritual than the next being, but it certainly could get in the way of fostering a complete and sincere understanding of the precept of ahimsa, extending beyond just abstaining from being violent to others. Not only are you trying to keepwhat physically enters into your body as sattvic as possible, but you are also reinforcing that concept of compassion each time you refrain from meat eating not because you'd rather not (although eventually it does come to that point when you have abstained from eating it long enough), but because you choose to live without it.
Good luck with whatever you choose for your spiritual life.
Om namah Shivaya
"Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny."
ॐ गं गणपतये नमः
Om Gam Ganapataye namah
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु ।
Lokaah SamastaaH Sukhino Bhavantu