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Thread: Hi, I do not class myself as Vegetarian!

  1. #21
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    Re: Hi, I do not class myself as Vegetarian!


    Quote Originally Posted by Aanandinii View Post
    I have to wonder if the growing meat industry and lobby here has contributed to the huge and unexplained rise of Alzheimer's and Dementia.
    I started this post as I had something to say, but can't remember what it was. Perhaps Alzheimer is kicking in


  2. #22
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    Re: Hi, I do not class myself as Vegetarian!

    Vannakkam: Mad Cow Disease symptoms are eerily similar to Alzheimers. I would not at all be surprised if there was historical misdiagnosis, or even if that continues. Some of the most powerful government lobby groups represent adharmic industries. This is by no means limited to the meat industry, but is also true of the dairy industry, the gun industry, alcohol, tobacco, and many more.

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    Last edited by Eastern Mind; 14 April 2015 at 07:21 AM.

  3. #23
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    Re: Hi, I do not class myself as Vegetarian!

    Namaste Believer Ji,
    Quote Originally Posted by Believer View Post

    I started this post as I had something to say, but can't remember what it was. Perhaps Alzheimer is kicking in

    First reaction: Awesome.

    Later, thinking of how the quote you took sounds taken alone, I want to clarify. I didn't mean general meat consumption as most countries practice it, but specifically the increasing amount Westerners, particularly Americans, consume. Statisically, (this may have been posted before elsewhere), the average American not on a fad-diet eats a whole lot more meat than the average citizen of any other nation in the world, except for one - only Luxembourg eats more meat than we do. As of 2000, before these meat diets really took hold, an average person here was eating 57 pounds more meat per year than they would have been 50 years previously and taking in less dairy and eggs. The rates of Alzheimer's diagnosis have risen alongside the rates of consumption of the kinds of meats mentioned in the article I posted earlier, and this can't be entirely explained by more prevalence of medical care and/or a rise in life expectancy. Interestingly, if one looks at current prevalence and projection data and maps of that data, there's an apparent correlation with amount of meat consumption. Yes, correlation doesn't equal causation, and this is certainly a complex disease with a genetic risk factor component, but the parallels are certainly interesting.

    And then there are the fad diets that are hugely popular in this country and are pushed by the meat lobby here - like the Atkins Diet, so-called 'Paleo' Diet and other diets that push eating almost entirely meat and as little vegetables, fruits and grains as possible because the latter contain Carbohydrates, which they label as anywhere from 'unhealthy' to 'evil'. Of course that means these people have to take handfuls of unregulated vitamin supplements every day to not end up with things like Ricketts and Scurvey, but hey, our ancient ancestors couldn't possibly have eaten any vegetation, nuts or grains, right? Y'know, forgetting all we know about the history of agriculture and hunter-gatherers and all that nonsense. I have a few people who practice this in my family. Recently there have been studies where the first stages of Alzheimer's are being found in some 20 year olds. Surprise!

    So just to clarify, I wasn't saying that eating meat is cause, but that if this is the majority of what you eat similar to the average American - or like the extreme examples of these diets, if it is almost all that you eat - then it may very well be a contributing risk factor, particularly in light of the study in my earlier post and the one before it that this study was following up on.

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  4. #24
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    Re: Hi, I do not class myself as Vegetarian!


    Quote Originally Posted by Aanandinii View Post
    And then there are the fad diets that are hugely popular in this country and are pushed by the meat lobby here - like the Atkins Diet, so-called 'Paleo' Diet and other diets that push eating almost entirely meat and as little vegetables, fruits and grains as possible because the latter contain Carbohydrates, which they label as anywhere from 'unhealthy' to 'evil'. Of course that means these people have to take handfuls of unregulated vitamin supplements every day to not end up with things like Ricketts and Scurvey, but hey, our ancient ancestors couldn't possibly have eaten any vegetation, nuts or grains, right? Y'know, forgetting all we know about the history of agriculture and hunter-gatherers and all that nonsense. I have a few people who practice this in my family.
    People would not be going to great lengths to do all that if only they knew that no one gets out of this world alive.


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