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Thread: why arent Sihks Hindu?

  1. #1

    why arent Sihks Hindu?

    Sihks in my mind are the monotheist hindus.
    they seem like its should be a hindu sect like vaishnava, shivite, shakta, smarta, & Sihk.

    the japaji is a wonderful prayer for any hindu is recited each morning by sihks

    "There is One God
    He is the supreme truth.
    He, The Creator,
    Is without fear and without hate,
    He, The Omnipresent,
    Pervades the universe.
    He is not born,
    Nor does He die to be born again,
    By His grace shalt thou worship Him.
    Before time itself
    There was truth,
    When time began to run its course
    He was the truth.
    Even now, He is the truth
    And Evermore shall truth prevail. "

    so why werent Sihks embraced as a part of sanatana dharma.
    from study i gather that guru Nanak was essentially teaching Advaita-Bhakti.

  2. #2
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    Re: why arent Sihks Hindu?

    Quote Originally Posted by the sadhu View Post
    Sihks in my mind are the monotheist hindus.
    they seem like its should be a hindu sect like vaishnava, shivite, shakta, smarta, & Sihk.
    Answers are already there, One just needs to do a search on what has already been discussed and posted before. An example,


  3. #3

    Re: why arent Sihks Hindu?

    Quote Originally Posted by Believer View Post

    Answers are already there, One just needs to do a search on what has already been discussed and posted before. An example,

    Sikhism had a lot of Vaishnavic influence .The tat khalsa inspired neo Sikhism emerged only after the British rule of Punjab

  4. #4
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    Re: why arent Sihks Hindu?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alter ego View Post
    Sikhism had a lot of Vaishnavic influence .The tat khalsa inspired neo Sikhism emerged only after the British rule of Punjab
    Isn't that what the link (provided above) documents?
    Did you care to read that post? Do you have anything new to add?


  5. #5

    Re: why arent Sihks Hindu?

    Quote Originally Posted by Believer View Post

    Isn't that what the link (provided above) documents?
    Did you care to read that post? Do you have anything new to add?



    To that post I have a lot to add.

    but I am a new member .My posts get moderated and it will be possible for me to write a full fledged post only after this phase is over


  6. #6
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    Re: why arent Sihks Hindu?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alter ego View Post
    but I am a new member .My posts get moderated and it will be possible for me to write a full fledged post only after this phase is over
    Moderation means that your posts are read for quality control and there is a delay in them appearing in the forum. It does not mean that you cannot articulate your POV in a full fledged fashion and submit it.


  7. #7
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    Re: why arent Sihks Hindu?

    No need to give quotes. It is better to let the follower of Sikhism describe themselves what they want themselves to be refereed as. Citing quotes to twist a point is what charlatans like Zakhir Naik do. Sikhs do not want themselves to be called Hindus, so why should we call them so ? Many Hindus try to remind Sikhs of their roots. But Sikhs have launched many statements that they are not Hindus. I don't give a damn about what is the overall population of Hindus, but I do not count Sikhs as Hindus. They call us rat worshipers and other such terms then why the hell we should call them Hindus. I personally do not count Sikhism as a dharm, but see it as an organized religion like Christianity and Islam.
    Last edited by isavasya; 01 January 2014 at 06:11 AM.
    When the light has risen, there is no day, no night, neither existence nor non-existence; Siva alone is there. That is the eternal, the adorable light of Savitri, - and the ancient wisdom proceeded thence (Svetasvatara Upanishad IV-18). :)

  8. #8
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    Re: why arent Sihks Hindu?

    Like the term "सीखना" means "Learning"
    Similarly, the term "Sikh" means "A learner", or the one who learns from Guru.

    In fact, anyone who learns from any Guru can be called as "Sikh", Indeed.
    "Everything is he, he is for Everyone, So to whom we can say.... is worse, As there is nothing other than Him." -Guru Nanak.

  9. #9

    Re: why arent Sihks Hindu?

    Quote Originally Posted by Believer View Post

    Answers are already there, One just needs to do a search on what has already been discussed and posted before. An example,

    Seems Sikhs have been divided: Sanatan Hindu Sikhism: Neo-Sikhs stop Brahmin Bashing!

  10. #10

    Re: why arent Sihks Hindu?

    Vaishnava, Shakta, etc etc aren't really "sects" per se. That is just what the Britishers ingrained into the new education system they put in place, after sacking the Indian Educational Systems as it facilitates their rather successful "Divide and Rule" policy.

    As for the question on Sikhs, here is another interesting link which gives a summary of what has happened.

    I think this thread is pretty much concluded that Sikhs "are" Hindus.
    Last edited by Nirvaasit; 01 March 2014 at 09:03 AM.

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