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Thread: Excerpts from Dongre Maharaj's BhAgvat TikA

  1. #1

    Excerpts from Dongre Maharaj's BhAgvat TikA

    || om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya ||

    vasudeva sutam devam kauMsa chANura mardanam
    devaki paramAnandam kRshNam vande jagat-gurum ||

    he kRshNA karuNA-sindhu dIna-bandhU jagat-pate
    gopesha gopikA kAnta rAdhA-kAnta namostute ||

    kRshNAya vAsudevAya haraye paramAtmane
    praNatah: klesha-nAshAya govindAya namo namah: ||

    sacchidAnanda rUpAya vishvatpatyAdi hetave
    tApatraya vinAshAya govindAya vayam numah: ||


    Following are some selected quotes (tikA) from [and notes on] the famous compilation of Shri Ramchandra Keshav Dongre-ji Maharaj's discources (talk, lectures, kathA saptAha) on Shrimad BhAgavat mahApurAN, originally in GujarAthi, translations in Hindi & Marathi, and now out of print in either.

    These are selected mostly from the BhAgvat MahAtmya, Canto 1 chapter 1, and Canto 10 of Shrimad BhAgavat (although Maharaj comments on all cantos in his talks).
    However, these need not be just content posts. Comments are also welcome.

    About Shri Ramchandra Keshav Dongre Maharaj:
    Dongre Maharaj's grandfather was a dhArmic vedic agnihotri brAmhaNa from Maharashtra, who lived in Karnataka.
    He later moved to Gujarath and since then the family settled there.
    As Ramchandra grew up he took immense interest in the Vedic philosophy, literature and practices that surrounded him. Soon he was very much popular and respected as "father" in Gujarath as he went from place to place doing Bhagvat katha saptAha (7-day program) and discourses. Later his popularity did not stay confined to Gujarath and Maharashtra alone, but spread all over India. He follows in the footsteps of major AchArya and takes sAra (gist) and amRta (nectar of immortality) from them and the scriptures.
    More on this site:

    BhAgvat TikA (commentary):

    The goal acc. to Maharaj (& Vallabhacharya), is to attain Ananda (bliss) of BhagvAn. JIva (individual living entity) has sat (existence), chit(sentience,knowledge,cognizance) to some extent, but practically no Ananda (happiness, bliss). Ananda is present in full measure in BhagvAn. He can be the constant supplier of ample Ananda to those who turm to Him.

    * "Ishvar jeev ko apnAkar jab apne svarUp kA dAn karte hain, tabhI jeev pUrNa hotA hai."
    Only when Ishvar (Supreme Lord and Universal Controller) accepts the jIva under His wing and donates His own nature (svarUpa) to the jIva, does the jIVa become complete.

    * "JiskA dnyAna (jn~ana) nitya TiktA hai, useeko Ananda miltA hai."
    One whose spiritual knowledge (jn~ana) stays permanent and eternal, unwavering, alone gains Ananda(bliss).

    * "Nar NArAyaNa kA aMsha hai, atah: nar ko nArAyaN me hi samA jAnA chAhiye. Shri NArAyaN ko pehechAnkar unme leen hone kA sAdhan yaha bhAgvat shAstra hai."
    Nar (human) is a fractional part of NArAyaNa the Supreme Lord. Therefore, the individual human should blend into/align with NArAyaNa alone (the source).
    The tool or means to understand, recognize and blend back into, go back to NArAyaNa is this scripture and science called BhAgvat.

    [NOTE: Here, we see the phrase 'samA jAnA' as merge into, blend into, which is very frequently talked about in spiritual circles.
    Just so we don't get carried away by words, this can mean losing self-made preferences, image and profile of oneself. There really is no one I in the body. I can be this transient personality, which has nothing to do with the last or next life. I can be what I am to Bhagavan. I can be a different thing in relation to different entities with whom interaction occurs. When one forgets the concept of I,me (even in terms of devotion), and simply gets engrossed in the Supreme's glory, the journey is complete, and NArAyaNa is the source as well as the sink (destination).]

    * "BhAgvat arthAt bhagvAn se milne-milAne kA sAdhan."
    Definition/meaning of BhAgvat: A means or instrument to meet the Supreme Lord [like river meets ocean] and introduce Him to others (or help others meet Him).

    || Shri KRshNArpaNamastu ||

  2. #2

    Re: Excerpts from Dongre Maharaj's BhAgvat TikA

    Context: BhAgavt MahAtmya, and dhundhukari's story.

    * "dnyAna mArga se jiskA patan hotA hai vaha nAstik ho jAtA hai |
    yog mArga se jiskA patan hotA hai vaha rogI ban jAtA hai |
    bhakti mArga se jiskA patan hotA hai vaha Asakta ho jAtA hai |"

    One who falls away from the path of knowledge (jn~Ana) becomes an atheist (loses faith in the Vedas.)
    One who falls away from the path of [ashTAnga] yoga gets diseases.
    One who falls away from the path of devotion (bhakti) becomes attached to material things.


    * "sabko van me jAne ki jarUrat nahi hai |
    ghar me rehenA pAp nahi hai | ghar ko man me rakhnA pAp hai |"

    Everyone need not go to the forest (leaving prapancha - world, family).
    Staying at home (as a householder) is not a sin. Keeping the home in the mind (and all attachments that come with it) is a sin.

    * "shri kRshNa me jiskA man milegA vaha kRshNa-rUp ho jAyegA |
    santonkA Ashray lenewAlA sant bantA hai | bhagvAn kA Ashray lene vAlA bhagvAn (bhagvat-svarUp) hotA hai |"

    One whose mind is engrossed in and one with Shri KRshNa attains His svarUpa (related bhAva - madbhAvam).
    One who takes shelter of saints becomes a saint. One who takes shelter of BhagvAn attains His qualities and nature (svarUpa).


    * "kAl aur mrutyU kA bhay rakho |"
    Keep fear of time and death alive.
    EDIT [note: This means fear of whimsical behaviour - since it has consequences. Stay aware of the temporary transient nature of this body and its relationships, also temporariness of worldly pleasures. ]

    * "jaise shAdI ki tayyArI karte ho, vaise hI dhire dhire, khushIse, marne ki tayyAri karo |"
    Slowly and with joy, prepare for death, just as you prepare for the wedding (with joy).

    * "mrutyU arthAt paramAtmA ko bIte hue jeevan kA hisAb dene kA pavitra din |
    prabhUne hame jo diyA hai uskA hisAb denA hI paDegA |"
    Death means the auspicious day for giving the Supreme Lord an account of the life lead. One will have to give account for what we did with what the Lord has given us.

    * "jahAn samabhAv jog usee kA nAm hai smashAn"
    The place where there is equal vision (sama bhAv) for all is the cremation ground (smashAn ... sama shAn).
    [note: This is what Lord Shiva wishes to portray by living on the cremation grounds - the bodies and their varieties are gone.]

    * "bhAgvat saptAh ke sAt dino me dhundhukari ki sAt granthiyAn TooT gayi :
    1) nArI ki AsaktI 2) putra kI AsaktI 3) vyavasAy ki AsaktI
    4) dravya ki AsaktI 5) kuTumba ki Asakti 6) ghar-bAr ki Asakti 7) gAon ki Asakti"

    In the 7 days of bhAgvat discourse, Dhundhukari (who was extremely sinful and had obtained a ghost-body, but was now hearing bhAgvat intently ) broke 7 knots (i.e. got rid of 7 things) :
    1) attachment to women/opposite sex 2) attachment to children 3) attachent to profession 4) attachment to wealth 5) attachment to family 6) attachment to estate and property
    EDIT 7) attachment to one's village (or community)

    Alternatively, Maharaj maps the 7 granthis as:
    1) kAm -- desire 2) krodh -- anger 3) lobh -- greed 4) moha -- temptation 5) mada -- pride 6) matsar -- envy 7) avidyA -- ignorance


    Last edited by smaranam; 14 November 2013 at 06:52 AM. Reason: 7th granthi was missing: gaon ki asakti ; added note for death quote
    || Shri KRshNArpaNamastu ||

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