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  1. #1
    Join Date
    December 2009
    South Africa-Johannesburg
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    HARI OM!

    Can anyone plse tell me if in the Dvaiata following its not recomended to go to KEDARNATH Temple ? ....



  2. #2


    Namaste Jaswant

    I won't be surprised if they made that rule for their followers because...

    The devotee walked up the mountain road after several days of fast,
    7 km to go
    4 km to go...
    oxygen level low, breathing difficult
    2 km to go...
    literally being carried by VAsudeva in arms
    A traveler (sent by the One?) has been consciously keeping company for 5-6 kms
    The traveller is worried seeing the bluish pale face "Would you like water, some madha - honey? You look pale"
    "No, having come this far, why break the fast? Just don't expect me to talk - that is tiring. Thank you for your utmost kindness"
    1 km or less to go...
    Feel Shiva, His presence, which being pulled, encouraged, cheered and finally carried by VAsudeva - ShyAm.
    Mauna. Silence. Was only broken out of politeness towards those very kind fellow travellers, but the desire for/tendency of inwardness and mauna was astonishingly strong...
    No desire to speak, communicate, with the "outer world"
    Just wonderful, this inertia - to stay put, with ShyAm and Shiva on either side.
    No desire to even communicate with the priests - pujArI and panDit after reaching the town/village and temple of KedArnAth. He - KedArnAth has already shown His Glories, now what?
    No interest in pUjA vidhi hom havan at the temple...
    almost oblivious to the other visitors, shops and all activity

    Would it not be nice for things to stay this way?
    Non-dual - advaita samAdhi avasthA and yet ShyAm and Shiva on either side.

    Climb down the mountain back into the mortal world, eat food - break fast, interact with people and back to duality.

    The lesson: That moment - that is where you have to be. Lesson by ShyAm by including influence of Shiva : ShyAm's one way of guiding.

    That moment was unexpectedly advaitic.
    How will the Madhvas (proponents of dvaita) allow it? Makes sense.

    That whole real-life experience was a "time-photo-copy" of a dream.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    December 2009
    South Africa-Johannesburg
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    Thanks ! it reminded me of my trek ± 15 yrs ago !! --

    but on a serious note is there such a belive among the followers of Madhav achariya ?

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