Namaste Yajvan ji,

Quote Originally Posted by yajvan View Post
I would like to offer a few ideas... these are not corrections to any one's view just my point of view that has been shaped by my studies and practice over the years.The model of an infinite sphere of consciousness ( which I like) and the jīva¹ as points of consciousness within this sphere has on minor rub. There is no difference between the two; that is, the infinite sphere permeates everything and there is nothing other then this, so there is no individuality to have a 'point' of consciousness i.e. it by definition cannot be separate as there is no place for separation to exist.
That is a very valuable point. Actually, the concept of distance i.e. dimension of Sphere Vs dimension of a point can arise only in duality i.e. only when there are two. The Infinite Sphere and the dimensionless point are non-different from each other. Why is the Sphere infinite ... because there is nothing beyond it ... everything whatever we can think of are all "within" this sphere. Now, use of the term "within" is fallacious due to argument as given by Yajvan ji but as we have no words to help here, that will do for argument sake.

The Infinite Sphere permeates everything. That is what Lord Krishna says in Bhagwad Gita, Chapter 2 and that is what the first verse of Isavasya Upanishad tell us. How can Infinite permeate inside and outside everything. This is because there is nothing like "everything" or "anything" in the first place. The duality has been imagined just as a dreamer imagines the whole world in the dream and one undivided consciousness of the dreamer appears as many objects within the dream, it is dreamer's consciousness which appears as the space created in the dream and it is dreamer's consciousness alone which behaves as different beings in the dream.

So, the model is impossible to imagine.

It is the Self. It is Consciousness, Upanishads tell us. It is Infinite and there is no dispute. This Infinite Consciousness is in all directions and dimensions and there is no dispute. Now, this Infinite Consciousness has power of MAyA which is beginningless. Due to this MAyA our physical world, Taijasa (Subtle world) and also Ishvara are created apparently. Now, this "apparently" is different from "apparently" as we are accustomed to use. This "apparently" is used with respect to the "underlying" Infinite Consciousness which alone is the Truth. Now, even the use of word "underlying" can be objected to because that would mean that there is something underneath and there is something above it. The reality is that there is and was always the Infinite Consciousness. "Apparently" doesn't mean that these objects have no existence in essence too. The essence of anything and everything is always
the Self, the Infinite Consciousness.

This apparently created world(s) has(ve) some very peculiar properties.

a) It acts logically within its relative framework. Imagined things in mind need not act logically.
b) It projects solid, liquid and gaseous substances which can be weighed, measured and these projected objects always behave in a manner they should do.
c) There is time, space, separateness and individuality.
d) Individual beings in this apparent world have their own thinking ... they can influence their surroundings with their acts and thoughts.

So, is the created world all real or is it unreal ? Shankaracharya says that it is neither real nor unreal.


I leave it here. If anyone has any better idea, he is welcome.