The Siva Samhita - Chapter IV
(9) Vajrondi-mudra.
53. Actuated by mercy for my devotees, I shall now explain the Vajrondi-mudra, the destroyer of the darkness
of the world, the most secret among all secrets.
54. Even while following all his desires, and without conforming to the regulations of Yoga, a householder can
become emancipated, if he practices the Vajrondi-mudra.
55. This Vajroliyoga practice gives emancipation even when one is immersed in sensuality; therefore it should
be practiced by the Yogi with great care.
56. First let the talented practitioner introduce into his own body, according to the proper methods, the germ-
cells from the female organ of generation, by suction up through the tube of the urethra; restraining his own
semen, let him practice copulation. If by chance the semen begins to move, let him stop its emission by the
practice of the Yoni-mudra. Let him place the semen on the left hand duct, and stop further intercourse.
After a while, let him continue it again. In accordance with the instruction of his preceptors and by uttering
the sound hum, let him forcibly draw up through the contraction of the Apana Vayu the germ-cells from the
57. The Yogi, worshipper of the lotus-feet of his Guru, should in order to obtain quick success in Yoga drink
milk or nectar in this way.
58. Know semen to be moon-like, and the germ-cells the emblem of sun; let the Yogi make their union in his
own body with great care.
59. I am the semen, Sakti is the germ fluid; when they both are combined, then the Yogi reaches the state of
success, and his body becomes brilliant and divine.
60. Ejaculation of semen is death, preserving it within is life; therefore, let the Yogi preserve his semen with
great care.
61. Verily, verily, men are born and die through semen; knowing this, let the Yogi always practice to preserve
his semen.
62. When through great efforts success in the preservation of the semen is obtained, what then cannot be
achieved in this world? Through the greatness of its preservation one becomes like me in glory.
63. The vindu (semen) causes the pleasure and pain of all creatures living in this world, who are infatuated, and
are subject to death and decay. For the Yogi, this preservation of semen is the best of all Yogas, and it is
the giver of happiness.
64. Though immersed in enjoyments, men get powers through its practice. Through the force of his practice,
he becomes an adept in due season, in his present life.
65. The Yogi certainly obtains through this practice all kinds of powers, at the same time enjoying all the
innumerable enjoyments of the world.
66. This Yoga can be practiced along with much enjoyment; therefore the Yogi should practice it.
67. There are two modifications of the Vajrondi, called Sahajoni and Amarani. By all means let the Yogi
preserve the semen.
68. If at the time of copulation the vindu is forcibly emitted, and there takes place an union of the sun and the
moon, then let him absorb this mixture through the tube of the male organ [urethra]. This is Amarani.
69. The method by which the vindu on the point of emission can be withheld through Yoni-mudra is called
Sahajoni. It is kept secret in all the Tantras.
70. Though ultimately the action of them {Amarani and Sahajoni) is the same, there are arisen differences
owing to the difference of nomenclature. Let the Yogi practice them with the greatest care and
71. Through love for my devotees, I have revealed this Yoga; it should be kept secret with the greatest care, and
not be given to everybody.
72. It is the most secret of all secrets that ever were or shall be; therefore let the prudent Yogi keep it with the
greatest secrecy possible.
73. When at the time of voiding urine the Yogi draws it up forcibly through the Apana- Vayu, and keeping it up,
discharges it slowly and slowly; and practices this daily according to the instructions of his Guru, he obtains
the vindu-siddhi (power over semen) that gives great powers.
74. He who practices this daily according to the instructions of his Guru does not lose his semen, were he to
enjoy a hundred women at a time.
75. O Parvati! When vindu-siddhi is obtained, what else cannot be accomplished? Even the inaccessible glory
of my godhead can be attained through it.