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Thread: Tantra, Please explain?

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    London, United Kingdom
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    Re: Tantra, Please explain?

    Quote Originally Posted by yajvan View Post
    hari o


    I thought to add a bit to the defintion above.
    • tantra तन्त्र - as a noun means a loom; the notion of weaving comes to mind as this word is also used for a row , number , series , that you would find in a weave.
    If this is a loom, then who are the weavers? Śiva and Śakti. And what is woven? Creation. It is creation that is worn by us, woven by Them.
    Let's look at its components - tan + tra
    • tan तन्- to extend , spread , be diffused (as light) over , shine , extend towards ; to extend or bend. The masculine applicaton is uninterrupted succession.
    • tra त्र- is protecting.
    Hence tan + tra is that which is extended, protecting overall.

    Yet too some can say that tan + tra is the spreading of higher knowledge (light, shine)

    Tantra can also look to a root of trai - to protect , preserve , cherish , defend , rescue from hence to ~spread~ protection. Some also look to this tantra as tantratā - comprehending several rites in one ( ususally from the mīmāṁsā¹ point of view)
    As aforementioned if this is a loom, then who are the weavers? Śiva and Śakti.

    It is interesting to note a simple connection back to weaving:
    • siva सिव or sivaka - means one one who sews or stitches , a sewer , stitcher. As siv सिव् means to sew, stitch, darn.
    • This is not to be confused with śiva शिव rooted śī शी , " in whom all things lie " ; This śiva we know as The Auspicious One , the Supreme, the unsurpassable (anuttara).
    iti śiva

    1. mīmāṁsā - the pūrva-mīmāṁsā or karma-mīmāṁsā by jaimini , concerning itself chiefly with the correct interpretation of Vedic ritual and text

    your wisdom brings stillness to my agitated mind. Thankyou.

  2. Re: Tantra, Please explain?

    I giggle when people ask me about tantra and sex.

    I tell them that Siva and Shakti had sex and out popped Nara, but the father, the mother and the baby are all the same. Pratibimbabimba :-p


  3. #33
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    Re: Tantra, Please explain?

    hari o


    I wrote in post 28 above,

    · tantra तन्त्र - as a noun means a loom; the notion of weaving comes to mind as this word is also used for a row , number , series , that you would find in a weave.
    If this is a loom, then who are the weavers? Śiva and Śakti. And what is woven? Creation. It is creation that is worn by us, woven by Them.
    Let's look at its components - tan + tra

    · tan तन्- to extend , spread , be diffused (as light) over , shine , extend towards ; to extend or bend. The masculine application is uninterrupted succession.
    · tra त्र- is protecting.
    Hence tan + tra is that which is extended, protecting overall.
    Yet too some can say that tan + tra is the spreading of higher knowledge (light, shine)

    Tantra can also look to a root of trai - to protect , preserve , cherish , defend , rescue from hence to ~spread~ protection. Some also look to this tantra as tantratā - comprehending several rites in one ( ususally from the mīmāṁsā¹ point of view)
    As aforementioned if this is a loom, then who are the weavers? Śiva and Śakti.
    It is interesting to note a simple connection back to weaving:
    · siva सिव or sivaka - means one one who sews or stitches , a sewer , stitcher. As siv सिव् means to sew, stitch, darn.
    · This is not to be confused with śiva शिव rooted śī शी , " in whom all things lie " ; This śiva we know as The Auspicious One , the Supreme, the unsurpassable (anuttara).
    From the one definition above (tan तन्) I happened to bump into what svāmī lakṣman-jū said on this term tantra.
    He said tantra is tanu vistāre or expansion.

    • tanu – the body; it is also manifestation
    • vistāre - vis + tāre ; vis = to grow, to urge on + tāre¹ (tāra) = to carry across.

    We can see the theme of expansion in the term ‘grow’ and ‘carry across’. Yet what of the ‘body’ or tanu? It can infer a few things: A ‘body’ of knowledge i.e. the tantra-s. It also can mean the ‘body’ of śiva.
    What is His body? Some would say cidghanam or compact, densely filled, concentrated consciousness. And how is this tied in to tanu vistāre ? We are informed the following: cidghanamātmapūrṇaṁ viśvam¹ this consciousness (cid or cit) that is full (pūrṇaṁ), compact (ghanam) Being/Self (ātma) is all-pervading or all-containing , omnipresent (viśvam).

    From this we can conclude, this ‘body’ (tanu) stretches (tan तन्- to extend , spread) everywhere...

    iti śivaṁ


    • tāre is shown here in the locative (adhikaraṇa) case ending ( there’s 8 cases); as you would expect it indicates location. Using this form you are indicating ‘in’ or ‘on’ or ‘at’, etc.
    • cidghanamātmapūrṇaṁ viśvam - these are ācārya abhinavagupta-ji’s words. He is known as mahāmaheśvarācharya śrīmad abhinavaguptanatha by his pupil kṣemarāja.

    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


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