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Thread: Vaikuntha is not eternal [Explained]

  1. #11
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    Re: Vaikuntha is not eternal [Explained]

    Quote Originally Posted by ameyAtmA View Post
    Not physically, but he is a bhAgvat, not BhagvAn, that's my point.
    PranAm Atma who's Ameya

    Narada and Vishnu are one. Because after realisation jivabhava gets vanished, devotee becomes Brahman. Moreover in Bhagavata Purana, Narada is mentioned as third incarnation of Vishnu. So in any way there's no any difference. Narada is Vishnu. Vishnu is Narada.

    There seems an interpolation in Bhagavata Purana. Actually Narada was cursed by Prajapati Daksha like this “Therefore you too in future will be roaming about without permanent abode….moreover, you will have rebirth as my son. ” Whereas Bhagavata Purana says that after acquiring body by the command of god he roams in three worlds by singing names of Bhagavan. " So this seems a clear interpolation done by some dvaitians

    Narada merged in Brahman is accepted and this itself proves that residents of vaikuntha merges in Brahman. If Narada like highest bhagavata could merge, then why not residents of Vaikuntha? Now does someone who's merged can appear again at the time of creation? But Vedanata and smruti too never supports this. Who's merged in Brahman can never return because merging happens only when there's no any desire and if there's no desire there there would not be a birth at the time of creation in any condition.

    True. However, the bhAgvats like DevaRshi (NArad) do have one pure desire - to serve the Will of BhagvAn. Somebody has to be NArad Otherwise Shri Hari will miss him.
    Narada himself is parabrahman. For vaishnawas like us, Bhagavan, Bhakti and devotee are Bhagavan himself. No any difference between them.

    In Bhagavata Purana, Narada himself mentions himself as parabrahman and says that this maya is imagined on him. Look at this verse.

    Narada says :
    तस्मिन तदा लब्धरुचि: महामते प्रियश्रवसि अस्खलित मतिर्मम
    ययाह्मेतत सत्सत्स्वमयया पश्ये मयि ब्रह्मणि कल्पितं परे ( BP 1.5.27)

    तदा - at that time , तस्मिन- that , प्रियश्रवसि- in krishna katha , लब्धरुचि: - liking of that acts , मतिर्मम- my mind , अस्खलित - nondual ,without hindrance , अहं- I यया - because of - एतत - this सदसत - sat and asat स्वमयया - by my maya परे ब्रह्मणि - in parabramhan मयि- in me , कल्पितं- as imagined पश्ये - saw

    " At that time my non-dual mind got interested in bhagavan kathas because of that I saw that sat - asat ( maya ) is imagined in me who is parabramhan , by my own maya .

    This verse is one of the proofs, proving Narada is one with Brahman and as he's one with Brahman, Birth at the time of creation is just impossible.

    What will happen to/of DevaRshi after the mahA-pralay? It all depends on the will, sankalpa, of BhagavAn. Not of DevaRshi. Which means DevaRshi is just a puppet, and Bramhan-ParamAtmA-BhagavAn is the only driver of the show.
    Bhagavan does a will, is just figurative. Appearance is never reality. He's complete in himself. He's paramatma and paramatma has no any distinction or desire. That's why his enemies too attained him. Brahman acquires a form through his maya and he does everything by his own maya. Whatever done by maya is never real though Vishnu's sports are divine. At the time of creation Pramatma itself appears in dual form of Ishwara and Jiva. So who protects and whatever is protected is he alone.
    Last edited by hinduism♥krishna; 10 July 2014 at 12:00 PM.
    Hari On!

  2. #12

    Re: Vaikuntha is not eternal [Explained]


    I am Brahman. See my signature. ameyAtmA. It is one of my sahasra (thousand) names. On the same note, every Golok-vAsi (resident) and VaikunTha-vAsi is none other than Brahman.

    Q: Then what are "they" doing in VaikunTha?
    A: LeelA. BhagvAn expanding into many for leela.

    Q: If Shri KRshNa is Brahman, what is He doing in Golok VRndAvan, Bhulok VRndAvan or in devotee's hearts?
    A: LeelA

    Q: ameyAtmA, what are you doing here? stop trolling.
    A: Its a Leela. Don't call Brahman a troll

    Moral of the story: VaikunTha is Leela for as long as you want it to be, and can be termed as an eternal Leela-abode of Shri Hari.
    || Shri KRshNArpaNamastu ||

  3. #13
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    Re: Vaikuntha is not eternal [Explained]

    Quote Originally Posted by ameyAtmA View Post

    I am Brahman. See my signature. ameyAtmA. It is one of my sahasra (thousand) names. On the same note, every Golok-vAsi (resident) and VaikunTha-vAsi is none other than Brahman.

    Q: Then what are "they" doing in VaikunTha?
    A: LeelA. BhagvAn expanding into many for leela.

    Q: If Shri KRshNa is Brahman, what is He doing in Golok VRndAvan, Bhulok VRndAvan or in devotee's hearts?
    A: LeelA

    Q: ameyAtmA, what are you doing here? stop trolling.
    A: Its a Leela. Don't call Brahman a troll

    Moral of the story: VaikunTha is Leela for as long as you want it to be, and can be termed as an eternal Leela-abode of Shri Hari.

    Jeeva is 513th nama of Vishnu. Vishnu himself is situated as a Jiva in the form of Kshetradnya which is limited to kshetra (Body). Vishnu has divided himself in countless jivas, covering himself by Maya. It's his sport or Leela. In the Jiva form he appears as deluded. But this itself is delusion

    Leela means something which is superimposed by something. "aham Brahsmi" is the intermediate state between Brahman and Jiva. At first Brahman imagined and thought I'm Brahman and then looking at the prakruti-Maya he accepted her and thought let me become many. It divided itself in two - Ishwara and Jiva by it's sport, by his leela. Acting as a Ishwara and at the same time as jiva, is its sport only.

    Devotees who think themselves indifferent from Vishnu, attain a state which is beyond Vailuntha, supreme abode of vishnu which is desired by Yogi. Just look at the moksha of Parikshita which is one of the main characters of BP. BP mentions his Moksha in just one word and its 'Brahmabhuta' means who's become Brahman. Such moksha is very very rare even than Vaikuntha. Topmost vaishanwas attains such supreme abode of Vishnu. Because Brahman alone is the true nature of all and getting established in one's own self nature is the supreme Moksha.
    Last edited by hinduism♥krishna; 08 July 2014 at 01:00 AM.

  4. #14
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    Re: Vaikuntha is not eternal [Explained]

    Quote Originally Posted by ameyAtmA View Post

    I am Brahman. See my signature. ameyAtmA. It is one of my sahasra (thousand) names. On the same note, every Golok-vAsi (resident) and VaikunTha-vAsi is none other than Brahman.

    Q: Then what are "they" doing in VaikunTha?
    A: LeelA. BhagvAn expanding into many for leela.

    Q: If Shri KRshNa is Brahman, what is He doing in Golok VRndAvan, Bhulok VRndAvan or in devotee's hearts?
    A: LeelA

    Q: ameyAtmA, what are you doing here? stop trolling.
    A: Its a Leela. Don't call Brahman a troll

    Moral of the story: VaikunTha is Leela for as long as you want it to be, and can be termed as an eternal Leela-abode of Shri Hari.

    LEELA is a very convenient and simplistic answer given by people who dont know the actual truth. That way there is no way they can go wrong right?And vaikuntha not being eternal is exemplified by the example of jaya vijaya lakshmi etc getting cursed and falling down from there

  5. Re: Vaikuntha is not eternal [Explained]

    Vaikuntha is in reality eternal and in fact never gets dissolved, same with Kailasa as they are both outside of the material universe. At the time of dissolution both are completely uninfluenced.

  6. #16
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    Re: Vaikuntha is not eternal [Explained]

    There are countless Vaikuntha's though- this is where it can be confusing- Vaikuntha's within the Causal Ocean that gets destroyed after trillions and trillions of Kalpas, like Buddha Amithaba- which is the highest paradise of the West, and Vishnu's realm within the material realm, then the eternal realm that is not in the Vaikuntha realm but above material coverings- like eternal Sadashiva-loka, then the Supreme Maha Vishnu with Lakshmi who are eternal- then Druvaloka which is a spiritual planet within the material realm- and the supreme Krsna-loka/Goloka above countless millions of eternal Vaikuntha realms, this is also true to different grades of happiness- as I got confirmed, Krsna and Radha's bliss is soooooooo unlimited and quality is so great that even countless Shivaloka's in the spiritual realm, countless realms of Amitbha Buddha and countless Shesa's with unlimited ecstasy would still be equal to naraka compared with only a drop of Mahabhava, then imagine how terrible this would be when it increases to oceans and oceans- would feel like living in the lowest realm of Yamaraja in comparison!!

  7. #17

    Re: Vaikuntha is not eternal [Explained]

    Quote Originally Posted by billmarley25 View Post
    Vaikuntha is in reality eternal and in fact never gets dissolved, same with Kailasa as they are both outside of the material universe. At the time of dissolution both are completely uninfluenced.
    The abode itself maybe permanent but its inhabitants' stay there may not be permanent. This is something that even the gaudiya vaishnavas admit.

    I agree with users like 'hinduismkrishna' and 'ganeshamylord'. The gaudiya vaishnavas (iskconites) themselves admit in their texts and speeches, that there's falling down from Goloka or Vaikuntha, to the material worlds, the moment envy or selfish desires arise in the hearts of so called muktaas while staying in Vishnu's abode.

    This shows that even after attaining Goloka or Vaikuntha, the so called muktaas are not free of ego, envy, selfish desires and so on.

    The reason for the presence of these negative traits in the jivas, while they're being situated in vishnu's abode, is probably due to the presence of ego or individuality, which the vaishnavas hold onto very dearly. For vaishnavas individuality is very important. Beause of this individuality, there remains the sense of "i-ness" ... "you-ness" ... and from this arises envy, anger, selfish desires etc.

    On the other hand, in advaita moksha, there is the complete cessation of ego/individuality. When the advaita mukta realizes that everyone and everything is his own Self, that diversity is just an illusion and only oneness exists, then whom will the jivan-mukta hate or become envious of?

    When the jivan mukta (in advaita) drops his body after death he becomes one with infinite Brahman. And i doubt there's any coming back. :=) But i'm still looking for a upanishadic verse or Shankara's verse that says there's no coming back for a videha mukta. If anyone is aware of such verse, then kindly do share it here. Thank you.
    Last edited by Red_Drag0n; 13 April 2022 at 12:35 PM.

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