Re: If brahma writes our fate, then why does Yamraja punish us?
Namaste all.
In this situation of lockdown here in India I came again here on hdf. After a long time. Maybe after 4-5 years..
This is the first post I saw after coming here.. will like to share what I think about it..
To talk about Brahma Ji and Yamraj ji, I am not that learned in scriptures so I will share my views on fate and free will..
The god, Brahma Ji or you can say the supreme energy or consciousness has created many laws on which the universe runs. We are unaware of many.
Take the example of law of gravity, planets are revolving due to this force. Fruit fall on ground due to gravity.
So falling of fruit is due to law of gravity. Right?
But where it falls? When it falls? Does gravity also controls that? Not likely the case. There are many other factors controlling that..
Like where the plant is, which plant is that, wheather there and all the bunch of things.
Too much offtopic! From this I just wanted to suggest that. How universe works doesn't depend on 1 ultimate law but the combinations of many factors.
If Brahma Ji has already written all the things gonna happen in our life and yamraj punish us? Then why the yamraj punishing us? For living the life which Brahma Ji created? Without our mistakes sorrow and hell comes in our way? Sounds not correct right?
Now how the fate works..
From my point of view karma + our nature (swabhav or sanskara) built by experiences in life makes our fate.
This is what I believe.
Everyone knows the law of karma.. every action has reaction. Do good you will get good.
Now I will talk about the second most important factor. The nature we have acquired so far. Some will distinguish it in the percentage of sattva, rajo and tamo guna.
If one person is so short tempered, he is angry young man then at least once in his life he will be in fight with someone! Isn't it obvious? Isn't its fate? We are what are our thoughts and beliefs. If we believe in something so deeply and works towards it. Isn't universe will help us then? People call it law of attraction now a days.
So this are two very simple but most important factors, then what complicates it? It's cycle of life and death.
This two god created things are not started working since your born in this life. This were working from many lifetimes of yours.
You have accumulated many karmas (prarabdha karma) and built your nature according to your experience. You are born with it in this lifetime.
Where you have born? What traits you have? And all the things happen in your life is controlled by this things..
We call it "Fate".. so god has written it? I don't think so. God has made the laws and given you the free will..
It's like God has given you the pen and book to write your fate..
Now can we change fate?
You don't know what you have done in your previous life's, so many things are not in our hand. But laws are still working. Our present karma and beliefs will make our future in this life and our next lives.
So what is in our hand is action and the physical, mental and emotional energy we have given behind it. The faith we have in our deity. If we gave 100% in it then first we can balance and later we can even change our fate. Future is all in our hands due to the grace and power given by lord.
It's just like Brahma Ji has given all the resources to built something. One person built the palace and the other one built the hut. Now who is responsible for palace and hut? Brahma Ji because he is given the resources without which it was impossible or the person who built it? Decision is all yours.
Last edited by Soul of Light; 01 May 2020 at 02:45 PM.
Reason: Typo
Aasato ma sat gamay
tamaso ma jotirgamay
mrityorma amrutamgamay
(Bring me from asat to sat, bring me from darkness (ignorance) to light (knowledge), bring me from death to immortality)
Om Namah Shivay
Om Vishnave Namah