from Eastern Light for the Western Mind
from a talk given at:
University of Western Australia
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Winthrop Hall
3 March 1976
Philosophy is God-speculation. Spirituality is God-expectation. Yoga is Godunion. God-speculation, God-expectation and God-union.
Philosophy most of the time operates on the mental plane. Spirituality most of the time operates in the outer being. Yoga operates in the oneness-heart and in the perfection-life.
Philosophy has come to the conclusion that God is stupendous. Spirituality has come to the conclusion that God is glorious. Yoga has come to the conclusion that God is gracious, loving, compassionate, illumining and fulfilling.
God says to philosophy, “My child, you have known Me as someone
stupendous. I shall make you stupendous.” God says to spirituality, “My child, you have known Me as someone glorious. I shall grant you all My Glory.” To Yoga God says, “My child, you have known Me as someone gracious. Of all My qualities, My most treasured quality is Grace. You are also aware of My Love.
Nothing is equal to My Love. Because you are aware of My Compassion and Illumination, I shall bestow My choicest, blessingful Compassion and Illumination on you in infinite measure. And not only that, but also I shall eventually fulfil you by making you another God.”
A student of philosophy studies in the mind-school. He wants to measure
God’s Infinity. A student of spirituality studies in the body-school, vital-school and mind-school. He wants to reach God’s Eternity. A student of Yoga studies in the heart-school and in the soul-school. In the heart-school he studies for liberation from ignorance-night and in the soul-school he studies for the perfect Perfection of life here on earth.
(In 2007, Sri Chinmoy was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Sri Chinmoy conducted meditations at the United Nations for about 30 years and at the US Congress for about 20 years.)