Namaste Kalicharan Tuvij ji

:-) Thanks for those simple yet beautiful words. As i write this reply, it is 6 am here in India. Very Good Morning.

I haven't yet understood the complete structure of our various deities. Instead of troubling me with subjects that is hard to understand at the moment, I have decided to deal spirituality the way software projects are executed by following object oriented unified spiral approach. My years of real time professional experience is very helpful in my spritual journey.

I completely agree, culture is protected in our villages by the people who have less ego and literacy than the ones who spend years of time to learn, practise and excell culture (corporate ?). Very easy way to identify this corporate culture is to observe the aggression. Aggression in my experience is the result of illusion. The illusion of having conquered zenith or peak.

In that unfortunate breed ( including me ), humility and mutual respect completely vanishes at a point in time when it is highly required. I am working hard to get rid of this acquired illusion.

Sadly villages are fast disappearing. You and I along with like minded souls can contribute to halt this depleting effect by practising humility and mutual respect. When one see aggression, assertiveness should hold its ground. I believe, that acquired illusion will loose eventually ...

Quote Originally Posted by Kalicharan Tuvij View Post
He must have been devoting this time in a devata who everyone says is formless, quality-less, and most importantly , Silent -- hence the no see. The No See mod @HDF

Sudas is "too-the-point" on this, though I believe you had recent interactions with one specimen .

On a more serious note (ahem),
The urban centers of India -- because of heavy interactions with various foreign occupiers -- have developed a peculiar brand of Hinduism which is very inimical. That is why I believe in "Village Hindu" to take the lead; unfortunately, however, it is still the urban "Hindu" who hold all reins.

This "peculiar brand of Hinduism" of "urbanites" has some traits (that come to my mind):--
Monotheistic traits (Abrahamic), soft lifestyles, soft types of Vedanta, veneration of neo-hinduism such as that of Viekananda et all, angrezi, etc.

They are not serving India's interest in their workfields. They think lowly of villagers, and mostly keep them ignorant of their deeds by the use of various smokescreens. Finally they settle into foreign lands (god bless those countries. Amen.).

They have built up a power-structure where you have to become like them in order to be successful. One example is media, where we get to see many journos join coming from humble backgrounds but still continue with the anti-Hindu rant -- in order to be successful in their careers. Now, just think of other more important institutions such as politics, defence, R&D, etc.