
Today morning,all of a sudden I remembered that I was taught to chant a few verses from Sri Ishavasya Upanishad in my childhood.I used to chant them everyday but later during my teenage,I abandoned my practice.

I am happy that I remembered them now.
I want to restart my Parayana.

I went through some posts here about the Upanishad and I found them to be quite informative.

In one of the posts,I found a link and it had

The Rsi of this Upanisad is Svayambhuva Manu. The Lord Hari (Visnu), known as Yaj�a for being the Lord of all sacrifices, is the Devata. The Lord incarnated as the son of Akuti, the daughter of Manu himself. Manu, when faced with the danger of some demons who were intent upon devouring him, praised the Lord with these verses, and overcame his dire straits thereby.

There is the ancient stern warning against commencement of Vedic study or sacrifice without knowing the seer, the Deity, and the meter(s) correctly. Hence these facts should first be attended.

The tenets to be stated later will only be taken to heart by the qualified, not by others; for this reason, to create the qualification for study, and to satisfy the curiosity of the student for the subject of study.

I did not find these in some versions of the Ishopanishad.Does the Upanishad have these verses?Are there any similar introductory verses for this Upanishad?

I was taught some mantras but should I chant the entire Upanishad or only the specific ones I was taught?

Should we append anything before chanting(I was taught one Shanti mantra beginning with Purna..).Also, I was taught a few other Shanti mantras but it seems they are meant for other Upanishads,should I chant them too at the conclusion of Parayana.

Is there anything else I should observe to do proper chanting of the Upanishad?

Last question,is Sri Ishavasya Upanishad a part of Veda mantra samhita?