Re: visarga and other ideas...
hariḥ oṁ
Maybe a bit more time on this visarga¹ (ḥ) would be of value.
Visgarga is defined as ‘sending forth , letting go , liberation , emission , discharge’. This seems to make sense as it is the aspirated sound after a vowel .
As with the word ending in ‘a’ this visarga (ḥ) is the aspirated sound that comes while the mouth is still in the ‘a’ position; it is ~like~ saying nama + ha , but the ‘ha’ is
the aspirated ~puff~ for lack of a better term that comes out from the mouth , pressed out (sent forth) by the slight pushing out of the stomach muscles for the additional ‘puff’ to
come out. It is not a forceful puff, but ~like~ a puff and is called aspirated.
We could dis-assemble the word and look at is as vi+sarga.
- Some think this ‘vi’ comes from ‘dvi’ meaning two parts. It makes sense as the example given (nama + ha) suggests that the final ‘a’ of nama is coming in two parts i.e. that which is sounded, and that which is also carried forth with visarga (ḥ) , hence two parts.
- Another notion of ‘two parts’ is how visgara is depicted in devanāgarī script as the colon symbol : suggesting two bindu ( top and bottom dots)
- sarga is defined as ‘letting go’.
Yet could there be a deeper meaning to these terms ? Me thinks there is.
- Sarga is also defined as emission, creation. This term is also found as a name of śivaḥ in the mahābhārata¹ i.e. the 148th name ( if I counted correctly) within the śivaḥ sahasranāma (1008 names of śivaḥ).
- So, would could then say this letting go (sarga) is how all of creation comes into existence as it is the emission from śivaḥ.
Yet , what of this term vi + sarga ? If we ‘buy in’ to the notion of letting go and it is none other than the Supreme that is doing this. How can we sew in the notion of this vi ?
I think the answer lies in the notion that vi in its nominative form is vis. This term means to move, cast , or throw. Hence it is sarga(śivaḥ) who emits or cast, or throws , who ‘lets go’ creation.
For some, the conundrum now becomes there are 2. There is śivaḥ and there is sarga ( His creation). Within (non dual) kaśmir śaivism
and other non-dual schools this is not an issue. Creation is not outside the Supreme. In fact some would suggest if you asked this question to śivaḥ He might answer what is this 'outside' you talk of ? There is no place I am not; how can there be two when I am without break or pause ¹?
iti śivaṁ
- mahābhārata- anuśāsana parvan; some call this the 13th book of the 18 books/divisions/sections of the mahābhārata
- some think there are 8 different versions of the śivasahasranāmāstotra that are contained within the various śāstra
- without break or pause - is some times called avicchinnātaparamārthaṁ, uninterrupted, yet the word I often use is satatoditam (satata + udita)
- turyātīte bheda ekaḥ satatodita ityam || tantrāloka 10.283
Last edited by yajvan; 10 November 2014 at 03:27 PM.
यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
because you are identical with śiva