Re: Hiranya Garbha-Agni-Rig Veda-Vedic Rain Goddess - Help
Namaste Ram11,
Goddess iLA is specifically mentioned as rain / causing rain [Yajur Veda (]. You might remember iLA from our last conversation.
(You also asked more about Her. IMO She is the Vedic name of goddess Kali)
Among other things (e.g., iLA the "Cow", or iLA-pada the foot of iLA, etc), iLA is said to be the mother of Agni in particular. ILA is Bhuvaneshwari (Antariksha) as well; so you can see the connection between Agni and iLA.
One more point; Vedic Sanskrit doesn't work the way other languages do. So, "rain" doesn't mean the physical rain. Roughly, it means (the act of/ sustenance of) creation.
Lord Varun, on the other hand, is indeed the presiding deity of (physical) waters. He rules over Life, hence karma.
Things to remember:
1. Life = yajña
2. Depth of Āstika knowledge is directly proportional
to the richness of Sanskrit it is written in
3. Āstika = Bhārata ("east") / Ārya ("west")
4. Varṇa = tripartite division of Vedic polity
5. r = c. x²
r = realisation
constant c = intelligence
variable x = bhakti