Re: Various deities and Navagraha
Other than Vedantis no Hindu to my knowledge believes that devata-s are mere aspects of Brahman.
Of late many Hindus have met their Vedanta co-religionists on intellectual level also and have tried to show that a more nuanced view of Hinduism taking into account its diversity and not wishing it away is not only the way ahead for truer understanding of Hinduism but also is something best suited for next stage set in the progress of humanity.
In this more "polytheist" view, Vedanta is not dismissed at all - because it does have its roots in Upanishads - but is seen as another sect of Hinduism that has Brahman as its focus.
In any case, when we are not directly dealing with Vedantic thoughts, such as in doing Jyotisha, it is advisable to absorb the teachings as it is without filtering through any other philosophy.
After all, the word "Bhakti" itself means "division". And not "aspect", or "unity" or "the One", etc. And other point: discussions will go on and on but Bhakti will always be fixed there like Dhruva. No one is ever going to replace Bhakti ("division").
Things to remember:
1. Life = yajña
2. Depth of Āstika knowledge is directly proportional
to the richness of Sanskrit it is written in
3. Āstika = Bhārata ("east") / Ārya ("west")
4. Varṇa = tripartite division of Vedic polity
5. r = c. x²
r = realisation
constant c = intelligence
variable x = bhakti