Preface to HDF members:

namaste Everyone!

Members are aware that TEvAram is a collection of Tamizh hymns sung by the NAyanmArs, chiefly Appar, Sambandhar, Sundarar and MANikkavAchakar. The songs are in the form of deca-verse, a set of ten verses, sung on Lord Shiva enshrined in the temples they visited. Members who are curious, might have a look at this excellent website:

Along with another member, I have been engaged for sometime to compose Tamizh hymns in the style of TEvAram, in a Google Tamizh group. I have been meaning to try my hand on this spiritual subject, in English verses. I am glad that I have completed a set of ten verses, prefixed by a protection hymn and followed by a phala-shruti.

I hope to be regularly engaged in this activity. I shall share my efforts here for perusal and feedback. I shall post the verses two at a time, for easy reading and followup. The penname I am using for my English verses now is ramaNi, which is what they call me at home.

