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Thread: Spontaneous Devotion

  1. #1
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    Spontaneous Devotion


    I was surfing YouTube for various bhajans and I came across a video that did something to me that I can't quite explain. All I can say is that out of nowhere I felt the need to fall face down on the ground in adoration. I felt an intense desire to worship. I also felt joy, but it wasn't an ecstatic, overwhelming, "madman" type of joy; it was more like a serious joy, a focused and concentrated sense of happiness. I can only label the experience as "spontaneous devotion" because that is the best way of describing it in my opinion.

    I have not felt this type of devotion before. When I go to temple or when I perform personal puja at home, it is almost like I am planning to be devotional or something silly like that, but it has never been so spontaneous and unplanned like it was today. Maybe this is a sign of progress...I'm not sure, all I know is that in that spontaneous moment I knew exactly what my purpose was and all the questions that I could ever ask were immediately answered. On top of this, all desire was lost, except for the intense urge to worship Bhagavan. It was total satcitananda.

    I was particularly moved by this experience because I felt like I finally "got it". After years of rigorous meditation and study of scriptures I am finally starting to understand Sanatana Dharma on a new level; it is quite exciting! I am really beginning to see the difference between devotion for show and devotion in spontaneity. There is a major difference in quality here. It goes back to the difference between acting out of the mind vs. acting out of the heart. When something comes from the heart, it is truly a phenomenon beyond words.

    I also wanted to say, much gratitude to all of you here who have helped me along the way through your informative and enlightening posts! If anyone else has any input it would be greatly appreciated. By the way, for reference sake, here is the video:

    Love & Light to All.


    ॐ नमः शिवाय,
    ॐ मृत्युंजयाय रुद्राय नीलकण्ठाय शम्भवे l
    अमृतेशाय शर्वाय महादेवाय ते नम: ll

    Sanātana Dharma Worldwide

  2. #2
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    Re: Spontaneous Devotion

    Vannakkam: Welcome to a new understanding. If you go to a temple, and take quick glances at devotees, not staring, but glances, you will surely see the teary outcome of what you describe.

    Aum Namasivaya

  3. #3
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    Re: Spontaneous Devotion

    Quote Originally Posted by LightofOm View Post

    I was surfing YouTube for various bhajans and I came across a video that did something to me that I can't quite explain. All I can say is that out of nowhere I felt the need to fall face down on the ground in adoration. I felt an intense desire to worship. I also felt joy, but it wasn't an ecstatic, overwhelming, "madman" type of joy; it was more like a serious joy, a focused and concentrated sense of happiness. I can only label the experience as "spontaneous devotion" because that is the best way of describing it in my opinion.

    I have not felt this type of devotion before. When I go to temple or when I perform personal puja at home, it is almost like I am planning to be devotional or something silly like that, but it has never been so spontaneous and unplanned like it was today. Maybe this is a sign of progress...I'm not sure, all I know is that in that spontaneous moment I knew exactly what my purpose was and all the questions that I could ever ask were immediately answered. On top of this, all desire was lost, except for the intense urge to worship Bhagavan. It was total satcitananda.

    I was particularly moved by this experience because I felt like I finally "got it". After years of rigorous meditation and study of scriptures I am finally starting to understand Sanatana Dharma on a new level; it is quite exciting! I am really beginning to see the difference between devotion for show and devotion in spontaneity. There is a major difference in quality here. It goes back to the difference between acting out of the mind vs. acting out of the heart. When something comes from the heart, it is truly a phenomenon beyond words.

    I also wanted to say, much gratitude to all of you here who have helped me along the way through your informative and enlightening posts! If anyone else has any input it would be greatly appreciated. By the way, for reference sake, here is the video:

    Love & Light to All.


    ॐ नमः शिवाय,

    It is a very good sign. When God shows you the way, it is the best that suits you. This happens totally unexpected without any kind of brain washing or repeated hammering of certain ideas. Infact such divine incidences happen when mind is very calm. If the bhajan of Lord Vishnu is increasing devotion within you, you can chant his mantra.

    Just try it, it will help you to calm your mind more easily and more effortlessly than any other mantra. The form of Vishnu, and the vibrations of his mantra tunes with your mind, with vibrations of subtle bodies. IF the name of Shiva has increased the devotion, then Shiva and his mantra is the best that suits you. btw, the link which you have given has songs dedicated to both Vishnu and Shiva. If both inspire you, then continue to chant the name of any form of God that you are already chanting. If you are not chanting his name i.e. doing japa, I think it is better to start it atleast for 10-15 minutes, and then increase it to 45 minutes daily.

    These type of experiences gives us clarity, which no book, no lecture can give.

    Often, spiritual experiences are encouraging and blessings indeed. They are a sing of progress. Puja, etc is ok, but chanting holy name of God is most important. Everything is revealed when one chants his name, be it Rama or Shiva. In japa, we concentrate on God which is inside us.

    I just want to ask one question. Where you constantly praying to God to show you the way? or were having some serious doubts which you are nor been able to get answers and you got it during this experiences.

    Since you have said - acting out of mind and heart are different. I would like you add something more. AS God resides in our heart, it is better to be aware of God or his image or simply his presence without any form in our heart, which is not the physical heart but is at center of chest (anAhat chakra, heart chakra).

    Another thing is that when we fist start to chant any mantra, it begins with chanting in mind, but then by grace of God, it shifts to the heart i.e. the origin of mantra is from heart and not from mind, which some yogis generally equate it with sahasrahAra chakra (crown chakra). So you may feel it somewhere inside your head, but this voice and experience comes from heart. Focus from where this voice is coming, that is the source of everything, this is God. All questions dissolve here.

    I think you should already be meditating i.e. doing japa, chanting holy name. If not, then start chanting his name. Such experiences generally happen when one tries to live a spiritual life and tries to increase time for God.

    Feeling of Happiness, contentment, unexplainable joy, peace which you have never experienced, something very different is a good sign. You will remain happy through the day and in mood to forgive and forget everything, just let-go and just be in this state.

    Happy to hear this experience. Good luck.

    Namah Shivay
    Only God Is Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion - Ramakrishna
    Total Surrender of Ego to SELF is Real Bhakti - Ramana Maharshi

    Silence is the study of the scruptures. Meditation is the continuous thinking of Brahman which is to be meditated upon. The complete negation of both by knowledge is the vision of truth – sadAcAra-14 of Adi SankarAcArya

    namah SivAya vishnurUpAya viShNave SivarUpiNe, MBh, vanaparva, 3.39.76

    Sanskrit Dict | MW Dict | Gita Super Site | Hindu Dharma

  4. #4
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    Re: Spontaneous Devotion

    Quote Originally Posted by Amrut View Post

    It is a very good sign. When God shows you the way, it is the best that suits you. This happens totally unexpected without any kind of brain washing or repeated hammering of certain ideas. Infact such divine incidences happen when mind is very calm. If the bhajan of Lord Vishnu is increasing devotion within you, you can chant his mantra.

    Just try it, it will help you to calm your mind more easily and more effortlessly than any other mantra. The form of Vishnu, and the vibrations of his mantra tunes with your mind, with vibrations of subtle bodies. IF the name of Shiva has increased the devotion, then Shiva and his mantra is the best that suits you. btw, the link which you have given has songs dedicated to both Vishnu and Shiva. If both inspire you, then continue to chant the name of any form of God that you are already chanting. If you are not chanting his name i.e. doing japa, I think it is better to start it atleast for 10-15 minutes, and then increase it to 45 minutes daily.

    These type of experiences gives us clarity, which no book, no lecture can give.

    Often, spiritual experiences are encouraging and blessings indeed. They are a sing of progress. Puja, etc is ok, but chanting holy name of God is most important. Everything is revealed when one chants his name, be it Rama or Shiva. In japa, we concentrate on God which is inside us.

    I just want to ask one question. Where you constantly praying to God to show you the way? or were having some serious doubts which you are nor been able to get answers and you got it during this experiences.

    Since you have said - acting out of mind and heart are different. I would like you add something more. AS God resides in our heart, it is better to be aware of God or his image or simply his presence without any form in our heart, which is not the physical heart but is at center of chest (anAhat chakra, heart chakra).

    Another thing is that when we fist start to chant any mantra, it begins with chanting in mind, but then by grace of God, it shifts to the heart i.e. the origin of mantra is from heart and not from mind, which some yogis generally equate it with sahasrahAra chakra (crown chakra). So you may feel it somewhere inside your head, but this voice and experience comes from heart. Focus from where this voice is coming, that is the source of everything, this is God. All questions dissolve here.

    I think you should already be meditating i.e. doing japa, chanting holy name. If not, then start chanting his name. Such experiences generally happen when one tries to live a spiritual life and tries to increase time for God.

    Feeling of Happiness, contentment, unexplainable joy, peace which you have never experienced, something very different is a good sign. You will remain happy through the day and in mood to forgive and forget everything, just let-go and just be in this state.

    Happy to hear this experience. Good luck.

    Namah Shivay
    Namaskar Amrutji,

    Thank you very much for your encouraging reply! I have been practicing japa meditation for a few years now; I chant whenever I get the chance. I am very drawn to both Vishnu (and his forms as Ram and Krishna) and Shiva, as well as Ganesh and Saraswati-maa. However I will say that for some reason, unbeknownst to me, I am highly attracted to Vishnu's form as Balaji. I don't know what it is about Balaji, but something about that form causes me to completely surrender in devotion. I have a Balaji murti in my home and it is very dear to me.
    I chant many mantras and many names of God because I see all forms of God as different, yet equally important aspects of the Divine. I do get a lot out of pranayama and silent meditation, but I have found japa meditation to truly be the life-changer for me. I am a completely different person after just a few years of constant japa.
    To answer your question, in a sense, I was constantly praying to God to show me the way...but I wasn't actually asking that specific question. I was just practicing japa the entire time and in my mind I was wishing that God would reveal more of Himself to me. Obviously, He did...and it was in a way that I did not expect. This experience was only a few seconds long, but it was the beginning of a new chapter in my spiritual journey.
    My goal is to just try to live in this realm of understanding and bliss all the time. It can be hard sometimes, especially when you have to deal with people who are intentionally negative and try to bring you down. But that is the beauty of can do it anytime, anywhere...and I often chant at a low volume at work to keep my mind focused on God. The chanting of the holy names is so extraordinary it brings me completely out-of-body. Often times while chanting at work I feel like I am just watching myself and others perform their duties, but I am not actually there. I am not identifying with my body or with the situation at hand.
    I am glad you are preaching this science of japa meditation. I think it can be beneficial to everyone if they will only just take to the process. I particularly like chanting in the form of bhajans because I am a musician and I very much enjoy making music. So listening to or playing a bhajan is very special for me. To play music for God is one of the most blissful experiences one can have in my opinion. This is another reason why I am drawn to Krishna and Saraswati, because Krishna always has his flute and Saraswati always has her veena. Often times, Shiva is depicted with his damaru as well and that is very pleasing to me. The significance behind these holy instruments is truly great indeed. Just the vibration of sound itself and the spiritual role it plays in our lives is a whole other topic we could get into. It is truly remarkable how something as simple as a bhajan found on YouTube can cause such profound experiences. I could go on for hours about this stuff, as I'm sure a lot of us here could...but I digress.

    Once again, thank you for the wonderful reply Amrutji. I wish you all the best in your spiritual endeavors as well.

    Love & Light to All.

    ॐ नमः शिवाय,
    ॐ मृत्युंजयाय रुद्राय नीलकण्ठाय शम्भवे l
    अमृतेशाय शर्वाय महादेवाय ते नम: ll

    Sanātana Dharma Worldwide

  5. #5
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    Re: Spontaneous Devotion

    Quote Originally Posted by LightofOm View Post
    Namaskar Amrutji,

    Thank you very much for your encouraging reply! I have been practicing japa meditation for a few years now; I chant whenever I get the chance. I am very drawn to both Vishnu (and his forms as Ram and Krishna) and Shiva, as well as Ganesh and Saraswati-maa. However I will say that for some reason, unbeknownst to me, I am highly attracted to Vishnu's form as Balaji. I don't know what it is about Balaji, but something about that form causes me to completely surrender in devotion. I have a Balaji murti in my home and it is very dear to me.
    I chant many mantras and many names of God because I see all forms of God as different, yet equally important aspects of the Divine. I do get a lot out of pranayama and silent meditation, but I have found japa meditation to truly be the life-changer for me. I am a completely different person after just a few years of constant japa.
    To answer your question, in a sense, I was constantly praying to God to show me the way...but I wasn't actually asking that specific question. I was just practicing japa the entire time and in my mind I was wishing that God would reveal more of Himself to me. Obviously, He did...and it was in a way that I did not expect. This experience was only a few seconds long, but it was the beginning of a new chapter in my spiritual journey.
    My goal is to just try to live in this realm of understanding and bliss all the time. It can be hard sometimes, especially when you have to deal with people who are intentionally negative and try to bring you down. But that is the beauty of can do it anytime, anywhere...and I often chant at a low volume at work to keep my mind focused on God. The chanting of the holy names is so extraordinary it brings me completely out-of-body. Often times while chanting at work I feel like I am just watching myself and others perform their duties, but I am not actually there. I am not identifying with my body or with the situation at hand.
    I am glad you are preaching this science of japa meditation. I think it can be beneficial to everyone if they will only just take to the process. I particularly like chanting in the form of bhajans because I am a musician and I very much enjoy making music. So listening to or playing a bhajan is very special for me. To play music for God is one of the most blissful experiences one can have in my opinion. This is another reason why I am drawn to Krishna and Saraswati, because Krishna always has his flute and Saraswati always has her veena. Often times, Shiva is depicted with his damaru as well and that is very pleasing to me. The significance behind these holy instruments is truly great indeed. Just the vibration of sound itself and the spiritual role it plays in our lives is a whole other topic we could get into. It is truly remarkable how something as simple as a bhajan found on YouTube can cause such profound experiences. I could go on for hours about this stuff, as I'm sure a lot of us here could...but I digress.

    Once again, thank you for the wonderful reply Amrutji. I wish you all the best in your spiritual endeavors as well.

    Love & Light to All.

    ॐ नमः शिवाय,
    Namaste LightofOM,

    I feel very happy to know your spiritual experience. I had similar experiences. I too see my own body many times and even though we work, tecnhically we are not working. I think it is time to simply chant the mantra mentally and not verbally. This will help you a lot. Please get up at 3:30 if you can or as early as you can. Please chant only one mantra and not of many Gods. The reason for focusing one mantra is because even after you stop doing japa, the mantra continues in sub-conscious mind. With the experiences you have had, I am sure that you must have had this experience too - When we stop doing any work and relax, within a moment, the mantra pops-up by itself and then our mind is sucked into it. One feels peace and bliss immediately.

    This experience indicates that the mantra has continued uninterruptedly though you we completely engrossed in work. I would also suggest you please chant the name atleast for 10-15 minutes before going to sleep. When you wake up, the first thought in mind is the mantra itself. IF this happens, then in sub-conscious mind, the mantra has continued by itself. If this happens, it is truly a gods grace. Continuing this way, it will help you alot during day time and the mantra will become a part of you just like you breath. I think you should gradually extend the period of meditation up to 3 hours so that your heart is absorbed in the mantra.

    After chanting mantra regularly in mind, the mantra will continue by itself. Then just be aware of source of the mantra. A whole new dimension will open. You will understand which no book, no lecture can teach you, as God himself will guide you.

    I like the way you pray. I did the same and even continue praying in similar way to guide me. Also please pray to Lord Balaji to accept you and please accept your surrender. Pray to him sincerely to guide you during meditation. Pray to Balaji to reveal himself to you and to 'give me what is best for me'. Let him take your decision as Balaji knows what you want. He knows your strengths and limitations, your nature, what you like and what you dislike, what is better for you and what is harmful to you. He is ready to guide,the only condition is to unconditionally surrender to the Lord and trust him. Be open for change, never believe in any dogmas. God will remove all kinds of superstitions, misconcepts and other irrelevant thoughts that are not needed.

    Please chant a mantra of only one God. You may rever other Gods but chanting has to be done of only one God. Soon you will realize the benefit of one pointed devotion.

    Of course music is one of the best way to a spiritual progress. It is said that it cleanses our subtle bodies, our antakaraNa, our nADI-s and chakra-s and raises kundalini at least up to heart chakra. But the core part of spiritual progress is silent meditation. There is no need of japa mAlA. There is no need to keep an account of how many times you have chanted his name Just keep chanting.

    Whatever is optional, renounce it, like watching stupid TV shows and reading newspapers. They are not always giving fair news. Instead devote more time to spiritual activities. Do not think that you are young and what will others think of you if you become 'spiritual'. Becoming spiritual is not a bad thing. You are not an drug addict that you will have to worry about others taunts.

    Let them say what they wish to say, but please do not take them seriously and do not keep thinking on them as why are they behaving in this way, etc. Ignore them and avoid giving responses to them. Less we interect with them, the better, just smile and ditch them, give casual replies, but never seriously. I have also passed through this phase. There was too much opposition during my early days when my studies were going on.

    Please continue on your spiritual quest and ALWAYS remember ONE thing - God exists (Balaji Exists). Always surrender to Balaji with strong faith that - 'He exists and he is in my heart'.

    As I have said, initially, the chanting is done inside mind, but later it will shift to the heart. Let thought come, do not stop them, do not get irritated. Instead, just be ware of them and let them pass by. Do not get involved with them. Smoothly and silently focus on mantra and neglect thoughts. Soon their power will decrease and power of mantra will increase.

    When mantra continues by itself, then just be aware of it's source i.e. from where it is orignating, where it terminates. Mantra is not God, it is it's origin. So you will be aware of mantra -- silence -- mantra -- silence. This is the true meditation, the unbroken meditation. It is prolonged awareness.

    When this happens, then there is no effort on part of you. Hence time duration of japa will increase naturally. When you come out of meditation, you will be fresh. Gradually even your sleep will decrease, as you now live in presence and have little to worry about and have little or no worldly aspirations.

    If you are on correct path, soon your heart will vibrate with his name. Even if you listen to any bhajan of any God, your heart will begin to vibrate with devotion.

    I am very happy to hear your experience. Keep praying, keep practicing japa, keep developing dis-association, displeasure with worldly objects and matters. This can be done by knowing the futility of running behind them and always selecting God and giving God first priority then worldly matters.

    Do what is compulsory, necessary for livelyhood, but never make earning your goal of life. Goal is life is to know the truth, to have divine vision of Balaji.

    Keep it up. Good luck

    P.S. I find is better to keep photo of God (a copy of Temple Idol of Balaji in your case) as wallpaper on my PC. It brings a smile of my face


    || Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay ||
    Only God Is Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion - Ramakrishna
    Total Surrender of Ego to SELF is Real Bhakti - Ramana Maharshi

    Silence is the study of the scruptures. Meditation is the continuous thinking of Brahman which is to be meditated upon. The complete negation of both by knowledge is the vision of truth – sadAcAra-14 of Adi SankarAcArya

    namah SivAya vishnurUpAya viShNave SivarUpiNe, MBh, vanaparva, 3.39.76

    Sanskrit Dict | MW Dict | Gita Super Site | Hindu Dharma

  6. #6
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    Re: Spontaneous Devotion

    Quote Originally Posted by Amrut View Post
    Namaste LightofOM,

    I feel very happy to know your spiritual experience. I had similar experiences. I too see my own body many times and even though we work, tecnhically we are not working. I think it is time to simply chant the mantra mentally and not verbally. This will help you a lot. Please get up at 3:30 if you can or as early as you can. Please chant only one mantra and not of many Gods. The reason for focusing one mantra is because even after you stop doing japa, the mantra continues in sub-conscious mind. With the experiences you have had, I am sure that you must have had this experience too - When we stop doing any work and relax, within a moment, the mantra pops-up by itself and then our mind is sucked into it. One feels peace and bliss immediately.

    This experience indicates that the mantra has continued uninterruptedly though you we completely engrossed in work. I would also suggest you please chant the name atleast for 10-15 minutes before going to sleep. When you wake up, the first thought in mind is the mantra itself. IF this happens, then in sub-conscious mind, the mantra has continued by itself. If this happens, it is truly a gods grace. Continuing this way, it will help you alot during day time and the mantra will become a part of you just like you breath. I think you should gradually extend the period of meditation up to 3 hours so that your heart is absorbed in the mantra.

    After chanting mantra regularly in mind, the mantra will continue by itself. Then just be aware of source of the mantra. A whole new dimension will open. You will understand which no book, no lecture can teach you, as God himself will guide you.

    I like the way you pray. I did the same and even continue praying in similar way to guide me. Also please pray to Lord Balaji to accept you and please accept your surrender. Pray to him sincerely to guide you during meditation. Pray to Balaji to reveal himself to you and to 'give me what is best for me'. Let him take your decision as Balaji knows what you want. He knows your strengths and limitations, your nature, what you like and what you dislike, what is better for you and what is harmful to you. He is ready to guide,the only condition is to unconditionally surrender to the Lord and trust him. Be open for change, never believe in any dogmas. God will remove all kinds of superstitions, misconcepts and other irrelevant thoughts that are not needed.

    Please chant a mantra of only one God. You may rever other Gods but chanting has to be done of only one God. Soon you will realize the benefit of one pointed devotion.

    Of course music is one of the best way to a spiritual progress. It is said that it cleanses our subtle bodies, our antakaraNa, our nADI-s and chakra-s and raises kundalini at least up to heart chakra. But the core part of spiritual progress is silent meditation. There is no need of japa mAlA. There is no need to keep an account of how many times you have chanted his name Just keep chanting.

    Whatever is optional, renounce it, like watching stupid TV shows and reading newspapers. They are not always giving fair news. Instead devote more time to spiritual activities. Do not think that you are young and what will others think of you if you become 'spiritual'. Becoming spiritual is not a bad thing. You are not an drug addict that you will have to worry about others taunts.

    Let them say what they wish to say, but please do not take them seriously and do not keep thinking on them as why are they behaving in this way, etc. Ignore them and avoid giving responses to them. Less we interect with them, the better, just smile and ditch them, give casual replies, but never seriously. I have also passed through this phase. There was too much opposition during my early days when my studies were going on.

    Please continue on your spiritual quest and ALWAYS remember ONE thing - God exists (Balaji Exists). Always surrender to Balaji with strong faith that - 'He exists and he is in my heart'.

    As I have said, initially, the chanting is done inside mind, but later it will shift to the heart. Let thought come, do not stop them, do not get irritated. Instead, just be ware of them and let them pass by. Do not get involved with them. Smoothly and silently focus on mantra and neglect thoughts. Soon their power will decrease and power of mantra will increase.

    When mantra continues by itself, then just be aware of it's source i.e. from where it is orignating, where it terminates. Mantra is not God, it is it's origin. So you will be aware of mantra -- silence -- mantra -- silence. This is the true meditation, the unbroken meditation. It is prolonged awareness.

    When this happens, then there is no effort on part of you. Hence time duration of japa will increase naturally. When you come out of meditation, you will be fresh. Gradually even your sleep will decrease, as you now live in presence and have little to worry about and have little or no worldly aspirations.

    If you are on correct path, soon your heart will vibrate with his name. Even if you listen to any bhajan of any God, your heart will begin to vibrate with devotion.

    I am very happy to hear your experience. Keep praying, keep practicing japa, keep developing dis-association, displeasure with worldly objects and matters. This can be done by knowing the futility of running behind them and always selecting God and giving God first priority then worldly matters.

    Do what is compulsory, necessary for livelyhood, but never make earning your goal of life. Goal is life is to know the truth, to have divine vision of Balaji.

    Keep it up. Good luck

    P.S. I find is better to keep photo of God (a copy of Temple Idol of Balaji in your case) as wallpaper on my PC. It brings a smile of my face


    || Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay ||
    Namaskar Amrutji,

    I have found your posts to be very helpful and enlightening. I am glad that you have told me to just chant one mantra...for awhile I have been debating in my head whether chanting many different mantras is actually helpful or not. Like I said before, I revere all forms of God, but you have inspired me to focus solely on Balaji and to chant his holy names because that is the form that I am most drawn to and most devoted to. I believe I will just direct my concentration on Balaji now.
    Also, thank you for the advice about ignoring the negative people. I have had trouble with them before by allowing them to get inside my mind and hurt me. Although I try to ignore them to the best of my abilities, they still seem to find a way into my mind and bother me with their ill behavior. I just try to chant mantras and remain peaceful. But I think by focusing on just one mantra I can get to the point you speak of where the mantra just continues in the sub-conscious area of the mind and there is no need to say it aloud. I will try this from here on out.
    As far as watching stupid TV shows and reading newspapers, I don't do much of that. And I have cut off all association with people who are not helping me along the spiritual path. However, sometimes an old friend will want to hangout and watch a movie or something, and for the sake of their happiness I will do it, but it is not always what I really want to do. I am still working on fully renouncing everything that is unnecessary, whether they be material things or relationships, but for the most part I am doing well in this area. Still, your advice to me here was something that I needed to hear again. So thank you for the instruction.
    I have found that silent meditation (and silence in general) is beginning to find its way into my being. I like what you said about the core of our spiritual progress being silent meditation. I have gotten more and more into that as time goes on, but it is a gradual progression. I once heard a guru say that, during silent meditation, we should just observe our thoughts as they go by and not identify with them or get distracted by them. We should just watch them go by, without judgment. When he said that, I felt like he knew what he was talking about and I felt like what he was saying made a lot of sense. Therefore, to hear you say the same thing is now a confirmation for me...a confirmation that this is how we should approach unwanted thoughts during meditation.
    You have inspired me to pray more to Balaji and to focus on his form alone and to chant his holy names. I will do this from now on. You have also given many wonderful insights about the spiritual path. I will not forget what you have said. I believe that you have instructed me in this way for a reason, and I believe that I needed to hear everything that you have said here. Thank you very much for the kind instructions.


    Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay

    ॐ मृत्युंजयाय रुद्राय नीलकण्ठाय शम्भवे l
    अमृतेशाय शर्वाय महादेवाय ते नम: ll

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  7. #7
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    June 2012
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    Re: Spontaneous Devotion

    Namaste LightofOM

    Whatever happens is the wish of God. Good luck.

    I hope you are reading Gita, Bhagavat Purana. Gita is very important. Swami Chinmaya's Gita commentary is very popular. I prefer audio or video than reading books. I used to daily repeat Gita until I was told to stop.

    Good Luck

    Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay
    Only God Is Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion - Ramakrishna
    Total Surrender of Ego to SELF is Real Bhakti - Ramana Maharshi

    Silence is the study of the scruptures. Meditation is the continuous thinking of Brahman which is to be meditated upon. The complete negation of both by knowledge is the vision of truth – sadAcAra-14 of Adi SankarAcArya

    namah SivAya vishnurUpAya viShNave SivarUpiNe, MBh, vanaparva, 3.39.76

    Sanskrit Dict | MW Dict | Gita Super Site | Hindu Dharma

  8. #8

    Re: Spontaneous Devotion

    Quote Originally Posted by Amrut View Post
    Namaste LightofOM

    Whatever happens is the wish of God. Good luck.

    I hope you are reading Gita, Bhagavat Purana. Gita is very important. Swami Chinmaya's Gita commentary is very popular. I prefer audio or video than reading books. I used to daily repeat Gita until I was told to stop.

    Good Luck

    Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay

    As a result of our God's incredible liberality toward us, God, in the majority of his radiance, reacts to us through our love. This is the guarantee—that when we adore God with excessive adoration and great accommodation, God will come and collective with us. The guarantee is not that we will feel extraordinary or that our substantial burden will be lifted, however that God will come. What's more, when God comes voluntarily as a reaction to our love. Apart from worship what I got to know from this post is meditation and yoga are the best way to communicate with GOD. Not only with god it can help us to relax body and mind too, it can make us take everything positively.

  9. #9
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    Re: Spontaneous Devotion

    Namaste, the first time I went to a Shiva temple and I experienced that same feeling. I had been to other Hindu temples and was basically still searching. At any rate, it was such a strong feeling that I figured it was my imagination. It continued for the rest of the day although not as intense. I went back to that temple several times just to see if it were something I imagined. Well, YES I felt it just as intensely. Eventually, I got to be very friendly with the priest who explained to me many of the rites of and ceremonies. I eventually went to that temple on a regular basis and adopted Shiva as my personal Deva. That is why I say I did not choose Lord Shiva, he choose me.
    In whatever way people surrender unto me, I reciprocate with them accordingly.

  10. #10
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    Re: Spontaneous Devotion

    Vannakkam MS: This parallels my experience. I think we get chosen, or at the very least it's a two way street, a relationship.

    Aum Namasivaya

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