Re: A bit more light on yoga
hariḥ oṁ
What then is this ? It is bhagavat-cetana (god consciousness).
This is undifferentiated awareness…
it is without break or pause.
There is a few śloka-s that utpaladevācārya offers in his work śivastortāvalī that I find most interesting on this matter of undifferentiated awareness with the notion of ‘without break or pause’. In the 3 chapter, called praṇaya prasādākhyaṁ tṛtīyaṁ stortam¹ , utpaladevācārya calls out this ‘break or pause’ as anusmṛti. This term is defined as ‘a cherished recollection , recalling some idea to the exclusion of all others.’
The verse says, for those that possess one dose for getting rid of the worldly (bhava) disease (roga) which cannot be cured by any medicine, then one is to apply this anusmṛti of your svārupa ( your form śiva) which is khacita (studded, prominent, filled or aśeṣa) with your viśva (universal) beautiful\wonderful being (bhavadvapur¹).
First one must ask, what is this dis-ease utpaladevācārya mentions ? The worldly dis-ease or bhavaroga ( written in the śloka as bhavarujā) is bhinnavedyatā¹ . This bhinnavedyatā is differentiated knowledge or awareness ( fractionalized perception). It is the dis-ease of the constant view of every and all things of differences, items, localized and totally unconnected things.
This causes one dis-ease on this earth. The dis-ease of not feeling whole and seeing wholly.
He says the cure is anusmṛti, the constant memory without break or pause, some call nirantara or having no interval in space or time, of your universal Being relieves one from this affliction.
Now to the unaided sevaka ( worshipper, servant, devotee, bhaktaka) they begin the quest. They think of Supreme ( in this case lord śiva) the best they can… yet every time they do, they end up thinking Him within the human construct – a moon over His head, a cobra around His waist. If it is viṣṇu then one may think of his blue 4-armed form. They commit to memory the best they can
for as long as they can but then all the noise begins – time to shop, time to get dressed, oh I am out of clean clothes, time to wash, time to pay my rent, time to ( fill in the blank). One’s best intentions come smashing into the rocks of differentiated knowledge and awareness. It even creeps in during pūjā.
This continuous memory of the supreme without break or pause (nirantara) is that awareness that occurs 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The point to be made is this – if there is effort, with a brute force of trying to do this, then it will fade. While it is noble that one tries to hold that memory as best one can, it still is not the Supreme’s universal form of being. Well what is this universal form then? It is pure awareness, pure being, pure sattā. AND the secret is, it is not outside of you – you need not go fetch it somewhere. It does not need to be ‘developed’ it only needs to be re-recognized once again.
The beauty of this re-recognition is our author utpaladevācārya who not only sings¹ devotion within the hymns and stotra-s of this great work (śivastortāvalī) it too is littered with hints
of how to unfold this level of being within ourselves… He too was the author of the īśvarapratyabhijñā-kārikās. So within this work of devotion is woven the knowledge of the Supreme –
a devotional (bhakti) and jñāna (knowledge) approach well balanced within full, pure devotion.
iti śivaṁ
- utpaladevācārya – utpala+deva+ācārya utpala = blossoming, any flower + deva = divine, of highest excellence + ācārya is the master, knowing or teaching the ācāra or rules, the spiritual guide
- utpaladevācārya was a luminary within kaśmir śaivism. This work I am quoting from is the śivastortāvalī is devotional to its core
- praṇaya prasādakhyaṁ tṛtīyaṁ stortam praṇaya = friendship , favor, affectionately + prasādākhyaṁ = graciousness , kindness , kind behavior made known + tṛtīyaṁ stortam = the 3rd storta ; svāmī lakṣman-jū calls this 3rd chapter 'pleasing the Lord in humble ways'
- bhavadvapur = bhavad+ vapur = bhavat + vapas = having form or a beautiful form , embodied , handsome , wonderful
- bhinnavedyatā= bhinna+vedyatā bhinna = distinct , different from or other, ~differentiated~ + vedyatā = restrained or held ( yata) knowledge (veda)
- nirantara = having no interval (in space or time) , close , compact , dense , uninterrupted , perpetual , constant
- sings – it is said that utpaladevācārya use to be brought out on to Dal Lake by his sevaka’s ( disciples); there he would voice the hymns that came to him, the outpouring of a śiva-bhakta; this came to be the śivastortāvalī.
- The hymns where in no particular order . his śiṣya-s (students) wrote down the verses/hymns and re-arranged them accordingly into 20 chapters.
- One of utpaladevācārya’s śiṣya-s was lakṣmaṇagupta. He was abhinavagupta’s master for learning the pratyabhijñā ( re-recognition of one’s Self) sytem. Utpaladevācārya was considered the leading exponent of pratyabhijñā which was extracted ( properly considered the nector) from the īśvarapratyabhijñā-kārikās .
Last edited by yajvan; 05 October 2015 at 06:36 PM.
यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
because you are identical with śiva