Re: fasting for shiva 16 straight mondays
hariḥ oṁ
Has anyone on this forum tried fasting on mondays for 16 consecutive weeks? If so,
has it worked for you? Did your wish come true?
It is said that your desires become fulfilled and you can also obtain a good spouse by fasting for 16 straight mondays. Can anyone share their experiences of whether
fasting for lord shiva worked for you?
I have a different view on the matter… let me share it with you if I may.
It is said that success, happiness, bliss (sukṛta¹) is born of sattva (sāttvkaṁ). It is by this infusion of sattva¹ , being, wholeness, purity,
that one unfolds their essence (sāraḥ). The implications are substantial . It is not by acting good or 'doing' that one unfolds, but by infusing the highest good
in one's self that unfoldment occurs to one's delight.
And within bhāgavad gītā (chapter 2, 47th śloka) kṛṣṇa-ji informs us of the following:
karmaṇi evādhikāras te
mā phalesu kadācana |
mā karma-phala-hetur bhūr
mā te saṅgo'stv akarmaṇi ||
This says, you certainly (eva) have ādhikāra (claim , right , privilege, control) of your (te or ti) karmaṇi¹ (of your actions) , but never or not (mā) of its fruits (phalesu) .
This means you as being a human get to choose your actions, but you do not get to choose how they will turn out i.e. the results or conclusions. But you do get
to initiate the action of your choice.
So what am I suggesting from the knowledge offered above ? Offerings to the Supreme is beyond a transaction. 'If I do this, then you give will give me that'... this is the love of a shop-keeper. I am happy when customers are buying and when they are not I am unhappy; I only yearn for more customers to come though the door because it benefits me; if it does something for the customer ,fine, but I wish to profit.
Hence one's success or failure is within one's own level of being. And what is that 'complexion' of that person's actions?
do as you see fit...
iti śivaṁ
- sukṛta - meritorious act , virtue , moral merit ; well-conducted , virtuous , fortunate ; another name for prajā-pati
- sattva - Being, true essence , the existence of the Supreme ; In the sāṃkhya view of reality it is the the highest of the three guṇas
- karmaṇi - connected with or being in the action
यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
because you are identical with śiva