Re: Meditation - The breath
hariḥ oṁ
the human body (pauruṣa) at times is called the ratha or chariot… the term ratha is rooted in ṛ ( this sounds like ri in river) defined as ‘ to go, to move towards, to deliver up , surrender , offer , reach over ’. The logic here is the body as the chariot houses svātman , the SELF, Being, sva ( one’s own) core nature or Being.
Yet what is this body dependent upon ? It depends on prāṇa. This term is rooted in ‘prā’ defined as ‘the breath of life , breath , respiration , spirit , vitality’. No matter
what sense is removed or on vacation ( code for deep sleep) the breath continues day-and-night. It then is called ātmasāratha. It is the ratha of ātman or of SELF -
the chariot of this SELF, of one’s Being. It is the breath that can ṛ , ‘deliver up’ the self to the SELF.
Looking at this word in another light ātmasāratha the breath is the essence or sāra of the ratha ( body); or the SELF ~rides~ on the essence of the body i.e. breath.
That is why there are so many upāyae’s¹ (approaches, a means) that involve the breath.
We gain support from the breath:
- inward - going downward (adhaḥ¹) and therefore called apāna
- outward - going upward (ūrdhve) and therefore called prāṇa
- the rest point in between, the space, and this is called viṣuvát¹ some ( like me) call it madhya also.
iti śivaṁ
- adhaḥ = adhas ( by the rule of visarga of managing the ḥ sound ) and this is defined as downward
- viṣuvát - having or sharing both sides equally , being in the middle , middlemost , central
- upāya - approach, technique; that by which one reaches one's aim , a means or expedient
Last edited by yajvan; 20 November 2015 at 06:35 PM.
यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
because you are identical with śiva