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Thread: Vegetarian Indian Food Recommendations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    October 2012
    Rochester, NY
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    Smile Vegetarian Indian Food Recommendations

    Namaste all!

    In the intervening months between when I last took a break from HDF and now, I've arranged (with the help of a board member of the local Hindu temple around here) an...interesting diet plan for myself. Basically this guy is hooking me up with leftover Indian restaurant food on a weekly basis (for a fee of course).

    Included in the possible dishes I can suggest to them (I get random dishes each week to keep things interesting, so while do have a say, it's not guaranteed) are, of course, vegetarian dishes. In an effort to be more vegetarian (I do still eat meat once in a while but I'm trying to cut down significantly) I would like some recommendations. I like dishes such as palak paneer for starters...hopefully that's a good guideline for what I like.

    I've found that while I can't stand many vegetables (which I know is an impediment to becoming vegetarian), I've found Indian spices and herbs can make certain veggies I otherwise wouldn't like to be palatable for me. So that's one other thing. If any of you need any more info to be able to recommend things, then please ask and I will give it.

  2. #2

    Re: Vegetarian Indian Food Recommendations

    Namaste WebImpulse

    Hope you are doing fine. There are so many recipes and suggestions in this section - I am sure you have seen them ?

    ad-hoc recipes thread : --> This thread introduces a simple one-pot meal called khichaDi on page 2
    The thread preceding this one we are on also has some recipes and ideas, and conversations

    sAttvic ahAr : An attempt at a systematic introduction to sAttvic regional Indian food and food traditions (veggies, breads, dals, fast recipes)
    A desserts thread - Halwas Laddoos and cakes.
    Recipe sharing threads
    What did you eat today thread

    I don't know what you are looking for other than the wealth of information available in this forum and elsewhere on the internet.

    Stay well and eat well. Gook lucj with cooking - its easy.
    Last edited by smaranam; 24 February 2016 at 11:50 PM.
    || Shri KRshNArpaNamastu ||

  3. Re: Vegetarian Indian Food Recommendations

    has endless recipes, resources, lists of books and on...

    tons of Vegan Indian recipes.

  4. #4

    Re: Vegetarian Indian Food Recommendations

    Wonderful, thanks for this.

    Gam Gam Ganapati

  5. #5

    Re: Vegetarian Indian Food Recommendations

    Thank you for all these wonderful recipes. Since my undergrad days I have wanted to explore food and it's nutritional value. Through the younger years of my life I have eaten meat. A professor in college helped me understand that most of these animals weren't themselves meat eating! Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies was a wonderful introduction then. Over the last decade or so, there has been a huge surge in the public interest in nutrition and what sustains us. Interestingly, these vegetarian recipes have been 'movers and shakers' of a sort. People have created this exciting world around vegetarian recipes (both old and new). It's the sheer variety in ingredients, spices and cooking methodologies that has given vegetarianism such a fillip. Thank you again for these timeless recipes. Namaste!

  6. #6

    Re: Vegetarian Indian Food Recommendations

    if you scroll down, there is a section of Indian Vegan Recipes...(about 500 recipes total)

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