Namaste C.Smith ji,

I am more and more convinced that my sadhana is not just meditation, asanas, pranayama etc.. In my day to day life atsociety, work and home, how I deal with every issue that kindles anger, desperation, fear, hate etc is also a very important part of my Sadhana.S adhana includes how we watch our emotions & ego as we go thru these sortof issues. From that perspective, consider that you got the opportunity to refine your reflexes to this situation. You own how you respond to this provocation , but if you are watchful , you would come out thanking the screamer for giving you a lesson.

PS: What you have within you is as great as the temple

If this is of any consolation, I can add a verse from tamil siddha Sivavakkiar

கோயிலாவது ஏதடா ? குளங்களாவது ஏதடா?
கோயிலும் குளங்களும் கும்பிடும் குலாமரே
கோயிலும் மனத்துளே குளங்களும் மனத்துளே
ஆவதும் அழிவதும் இல்லைஇல்லை இல்லையே.


கோயிலாவது ஏதடா ? – what is a temple?, குளங்களாவது ஏதடா? – what is a sacred pond?, கும்பிடும் குலாமரே – those who worship, மனத்துளே – within your heart, ஆவதும் அழிவதும் – being born and dying, இல்லை – is not so.

What is that you call a temple? And what is that which you consider a sacred pond? Those who worship such temples and ponds, listen – the sacred temples and ponds are all within your heart. There is no such thing as creation and dissolution..