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Thread: God in hinduism

  1. #1

    God in hinduism

    I am a computer science student studying Hinduism. I have some questions.

    1. Are moksha and non dual awareness the same thing?
    2. is brahman a being or a force? Tillich the Christian philosopher said God is not "a being" but rather "beingness itself". Is this what brahman is or is he a being?
    3. Is brahma God? God cannot sin.Brahma sinned.Therefore brahma is not God. How do you answer this?


  2. #2

    Re: God in hinduism

    Quote Originally Posted by beetle View Post
    I am a computer science student studying Hinduism. I have some questions.

    1. Are moksha and non dual awareness the same thing?
    2. is brahman a being or a force? Tillich the Christian philosopher said God is not "a being" but rather "beingness itself". Is this what brahman is or is he a being?
    3. Is brahma God? God cannot sin.Brahma sinned.Therefore brahma is not God. How do you answer this?

    anything I’m discussing must be as per pramanas or authentic having logic .
    hinduism is a religion obtained from directions of vedas , available , four but referred only three in vedas itself .
    many potions of vedas are discussed in different scriptures but bhagwadgiya is true representation . Anybody can read and find the solution .
    jai Sri Krsna

  3. #3

    Re: God in hinduism

    Quote Originally Posted by beetle View Post
    I am a computer science student studying Hinduism. I have some questions.

    1. Are moksha and non dual awareness the same thing?
    2. is brahman a being or a force? Tillich the Christian philosopher said God is not "a being" but rather "beingness itself". Is this what brahman is or is he a being?
    3. Is brahma God? God cannot sin.Brahma sinned.Therefore brahma is not God. How do you answer this?


    Canto 10 of the Bhagavat Puran may help.
    Gam Gam Ganapati

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