Last night I had an interesting dream - I was in some mountine region with my little son and I told him: "be cautious, we are in Idia and there are many poisonous snakes here ". The next moment we saw many white cobras on the road, they didnt harm us, but we moved away from them. Then, we found ourselves in a city, in which there were many people celebrating something. A young beautiful woman came to us and asked: "how do you feel here, did you meet some snakes? " I replied - yes, we have just met white cobras. The lady did not say anything, just smiled.
I was searching for information about white cobras symbolism in hinduism and found that -
"The Hindus know this type of cobra as Shweta Nag. This deadly white cobra is mentioned in in a text called Naga Shastra, the original of which is difficult to find. This cobra does not harm devotees of Lord Shiva and you can find it in the jungles, but rarely ".
I am so happy and amazed by this dream, I just wanted to share it with you