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Thread: Gita Sara (Gita Extract)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    October 2012
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    Gita Sara (Gita Extract)

    Namaste HDF

    Hope it is not a trivial question. I have read below mentioned statements as the crux of Srimad Bhagavat Gita many times. Is it a derived intelligence or were they uttered by Sri Krishna? Where do we find these words from Sri Krishna in S.B.G, i mean which chapter? which verse?

    "Whatever happened, it happened for good.
    Whatever is happening, is also happening for good.
    Whatever will happen, that too will be for good.
    What have you lost for which you weep?
    What did you bring with you, which you have lost?
    What did you produce, which has perished?
    You did not bring anything when you were born.
    Whatever you have taken, it is taken from Here.
    Whatever you have given, it is given Here.
    You came empty handed and you will go the same way.
    Whatever is yours today, will be somebody else's tomorrow
    And it will be some others' later.
    This change is the law of the universe
    And the theme behind my creation."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    July 2010
    The Holy Land - Bharat
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    Re: Gita Sara (Gita Extract)


    As far as I know, this has been around for over 25 years. It does not come from a specific verse of BG but is someone's interpretation of what is said in the BG. It was created to calm Hindus down when the Babri masjid issue was hot in the 80's and 90's.


    PS, When Kareena Kapoor's son Taimur grows up, he will build a Taimur mosque on some Hindu religious site and all the Hindus will be told to read the BG and be tolerant.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    October 2012
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    Re: Gita Sara (Gita Extract)

    Namaste Believer

    Thanks for your reply.


    As far as I know, this has been around for over 25 years. It does not come from a specific verse of BG but is someone's interpretation of what is said in the BG. It was created to calm Hindus down when the Babri masjid issue was hot in the 80's and 90's.


    PS, When Kareena Kapoor's son Taimur grows up, he will build a Taimur mosque on some Hindu religious site and all the Hindus will be told to read the BG and be tolerant.
    Those statements (most of them) are extracted (to be correct, inferred) from Arjuna Vishada Yoga and Sankhya Yoga. Sri Krishna nudged Sri Arjuna to do his job as per the Varna he belong (ie Being born as Kshatriya he was duty-bound to fight against Adharma because that is the Dharma/Karma of Kshatriya). Ironically the same Srimad Bhagavad Gita has been used to turn us into eunuch.

    It was created to calm Hindus down when the Babri masjid issue was hot in the 80's and 90's.
    Not sure if we can discuss Indian politics here, I ll create a thread in the appropriate sub forum. The bespectacled did lot more than what all invaders put together did to calm us down.

    PS: Please don't ask me why I created this thread

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