Re: Meat eating and Animal Sacrifices
hariḥ om̐
Many times people read the veda and look to its literal meaning. This ( many times) causes confusion between the word, intent, and the subtle meaning of what is being offered.
The veda works within parokṣa, saṃketa and śailī to give us a deeper sense of the truth. What are these words ?
Please consider this post/string for a continuation on this matter:
Language cuts forms in Reality1 - ṛg veda 1.164.41
iti śivaṁ
1. gaurīrmimāya salilāni takṣatyekapadī davipadī sā catuṣpadī |
aṣṭāpadī navapadī babhūvuṣī sahasrākṣarā parame vayomana ||1.164.41
यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
because you are identical with śiva