Not long ago I acquired a rudraksha mala from the Himalayan Academy in Hawaii, and it's effect on my emotions was very noticeable. I simply do not get angry any more, and after taking it off some time, my usual anger creeps back up, put it back on over my neck and shortly my anger fades. I've tested this for some time and it's effect is remarkable.

Thinking this was amazing, I gained some faith in rudrakshas. I ordered some fancier (other than 5 mukhi) rudraksha's from rudraksha-ratna and wore them for some time, not noticing any effect at all. This was disappointing. I'm not here to bad mouth them, they seem like a fine company. And I'm sure they were genuine, but just in case: does anyone know of any other reputable sellers of rudraksha that you have personal experience with? The whole business seems fraught with frauds. My current suspicion is that genuine rudraksha's have a very noticeable effect on the nervous system, as this has been my experience with the Hawaiian mala, and so I would assume other genuine beads to have a similarly noticeable effect.

Thank you.