We keep saying we Hindus are Tolerant, but why? What makes us different? I always say if the Buddha had been born in Christian or Muslim lands he would have been branded a heretic, an apostate, and tortured to death! His writings burnt, his followers killed, there would be no Buddhism today! No Sikhism, Jainism either! Half of the world's top religions came from Hindu India - that is something that we Hindus should be proud of
But again, the question remains - why didn't we do what Christians and Muslims have done? It has to do with our view of God - we view God as a Parent/Teacher - No parent would divide Her own Children, no Father would rape his own daughter in hell. NO Teacher would set apart his own students & hence also the reason why Hindus have traditionally not proselytized
Christians and Muslims don't view God that way - for the He is a Master. God made in the image of the local King/Strong man. The king demanded absolute obedience and loyalty - his crown depended on that. A King could afford to tolerate a creepy but loyal General, maybe the General likes to rape young girls - the King could overlook that as long as the General is loyal and useful. But a good person who spoke out against the king? No king could afford to have such people in his kingdom. And that is their template for their Heavens - King-like God sits on his throne and rewards only those who join "his" religion, everyone else gets hell. It doesn't matter whether you are a good or bad person - your loyalty(belief) or non-belief means you get hell
Take their Terminology - Commandments, submit, beg, mercy, judge, wrath, punish, forgive, Fear - All Slave/Servant words totally absent in Hinduism/Buddhism. We do use the word Lord - i ask Hindus not to use such a word - it is short for Lord & Master - a slave word
We Hindus are not slaves/servants - our place is not down on the ground on our knees (that's a common picture of muslims, rows and rows of them down on their knees) - Our place is Higher, we belong in God's lap or sit by his side - that is our rightful place as God's Children, as Her Students
It does not mean that Christians and Muslims are not God's children, but lured by the promise of an easy life in heaven, they have reduced themselves down to slaves/servants - that is their right