Correct to have demolished Budhdhist temples to build Hindu temples?
Recently a TamilNadu politician (Thirumaavalavan) has said, "The famous Hindu temples in Srirangam and Kancheepuram were built on Buddhist shrines after demolishing them and hence these Hindu temples should be demolished.”
While some think that demolishing any temple of any faith is wrong, I feel that if Budhdhism was left to thrive, perhaps Hinduism would have been non-existent in South India. It should be borne in mind how the popularity of Budhdhism was the reason great acharyas Shankara and Ramanuja were said to have been born, that is, their mission is to curb the popularity of Budhdhism and let Sanadhana Dharma thrive in Bharat!
So given the above understanding, do you consider it to be a dharmic act to have demolished Budhdhist temples to build Hindu ones on that spot?
Many thanks.
jai hanuman gyan gun sagar jai kapis tihu lok ujagar