Hello all,

I have been DEEP into various Vedic scriptures, scouring for ANY and ALL information regarding the shape of our Earth. I have always been a skeptic of anything scientists and NASA have put out regarding our solar system, the universe, and most importantly, our Earth. I am of Indian origin, born and raised in America. So naturally, the education system here pushes out the words of NASA as the true gospel and I was forced to accept this to advance in the system here. I grew up hearing from my father that the moon landing was false and that it was impossible for any humans to go there due to what our scriptures prescribe, so I have always been a skeptic regarding the lunar missions. When the first images of Mars came out in the mid-2000s, I was in junior high school and I recall turning to my friend and saying, "those are CGI images". All of this was WAY before the whole Flat Earth hype that rose up a few years ago.

When the whole Flat Earth hype started, I was immediately drawn to this notion due to my obscure memories of reading something similar in the 5th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam many years ago. I watched HOURS of videos about Flat Earth on YouTube and was convinced that NASA is deceiving us and that the Earth CANNOT be a globe since we observe it as a flat plane. But before I could jump into any conclusions, I wanted to see what our ancients had to say, as I regard the Vedas as absolute truth and knowledge.

In the 5th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, there is a very detailed explanation of our universe and the flat earth-disc that we live on. In the Mahabharata, Sanjaya explains Jambudvipa and Bharata Varsha in details to Drthrastra. In the Vayu Purana, Suta gives great details of the universe and our flat earth as well. I am convinced that we live on a flat plane that is a part of a much bigger earth. So-called Hindu scholars have suggested that Jambudvipa and Bharata-Varsha are allegorical languages talking about modern-day India in geographical terms. But that is WRONG. I would like to hear some of your thoughts regarding this, in my opinion, a very important subject.