Hi All

I am curious about an abstract that I read somewhere that Rishi Kashyap married 13 of the 100 daughters of King Daksha. Out of these 13 wives of Kashyap 3 were Aditi, Diti and Danu. Aditi gave birth to Devtas (Gods), Diti gave birth to Daityas (Demons), Danu gave birth to Danavs (Demons). How can a woman in a marriage with a Rishi (actually a Maharishi) bear demons as her children unless she is an Asura (Demon) as well? This also means that Daityas and Devtas are step-brothers!

I am also curious how would the spiritual practises work in such family where same father has Gods and Demons as his progeny? What kind of diet and spiritual practises would run in such family? How would it all work?