All along for last 25 years I have been meditating and was interested in BUddhism.
I have written down more than 500 pages on my experiences on Buddhism in this period.
Mostly I have written on Lotus sutra.
I hardly knew anything about Sanatan Dharma.
Recently a voice in meditation has been shouting to me that I am the KALKI avtara.
Kalki avatar has been mentioned as last avtar of Hinduism and probably is a part of Sanatan Dharma.
Kalki avatar is mentioned to have two important skills to change this world.
1. He will destroy all the negative and harmful entities and He will do it internally by meditation.
2. He will have the skill to change outer world by changing inner body universe inside his body just by meditation.
3 For doing this work He will have deep penetrating inside eye (vipassana eye) .
4. This Avtar will appear in this world only after a Buddha has appeared
5 The Buddha will bring down a cosmic nerve with the help of Lotus sutra. This nerve will be capable of re-circulating negative cosmic and wasteful energies.
I seem to have this deep penetrating vipassana eye. I am also a part of re-circulating cosmic energy of Lotus sutra and I have learnt to use this circuit. I have successfully changed my negative body elements and sufferings from my body. I also seem to have increased my age to some extent and the process is ongoing. I also have been successful in changing my outside surroundings . This has not only made me rich money wise, but also WISDOM wise and I have also been successful in leading peaceful life.
I also know that possibilities of my being KALKI avatar are almost zero.
But this voice in meditation has been persistent for last one year and its effect is getting stronger and stronger.
Do I need to consult a psychiatrist to handle this situation before it gets out of hand ? Or are there any saints who can help me?