100th anniversary of this brutal murder at Jallianwala Bagh by shameless barbarians!
Four million Bengalis were starved to death and all Churchill had to say was, 'well it’s all their fault anyway for breeding like rabbits'. He said ‘I hate the Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion’.”
People regarded as outcast, dalits and untouchables by some of their own people, are still being kept in poverty since independence, i could post some stats on deaths, disease and people living in conditions far worse than some of the concentration camps of the second world war in today's world that could be avoided if corruption and greed was not so rampant, and the situation is getting worse in some reports, while the rich get richer and exploit the poor even more. Hopefully there are signs of change.
What Churchill said is one person's comment, and probably the majority of Christian elitists may have thought the same at that time, but that would not reflect the state of current affairs today of what was thought or said, its best to live in the present. It was not Britain that started the first or second world war.
The main problem that was going on was that the Japanese were forcing themselves into India near to the Bengal Boarders, after taking over Burma, v and fighting in Manipur, in the battle of Imphal, , luckily the combined troops of the British and the Indians pushed them back Sadly due to the war and invasion of the Japanese, which was not started by Britain, the cause of the famine was was more to do with this, due to all the resources being given to the military effort, this does not excuse his comments, or make up for it, but this shows he horrors of war and greed for money and power, which are the main causes, but he has gone, and he is dead.
Without defending anyone, if the Japanese would have taken over India, they would have been far worse than the British. You can check Chinese history to see what they did there, China suffered far more in the second world war at the hands of the Japanese., the Japanese if they had captured India would have taken over the economy and treated the Indians the same as with the Chinese, and to see how they treated the lands that they captured do some research, you can check what they did when the occupied other countries such as Philippines and Malaysia, you can check some of the war crimes of the Japanese in the second world war. Chruchill was relentlessness war leader, this does not take anything away from the hurt caused to poor people that always get the rough end of greedy materialists, materialism is the real problem.
Second war was a world disaster, nobody wants war, or to see people suffer, nobody in their right minds wants to keep hate alive, and if things dont change in some current affairs, war will be coming very soon, just what many wanted until it happens. The more people spread this hate through the media the more they will create hatred where these things happen.
Last edited by markandeya 108 dasa; 15 April 2019 at 08:57 AM.
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