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Thread: How Krishna came to the West

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    Re: How Krishna came to the West

    Namaste Viraja Ji,

    At the heart of the problem it is causing confusion in the outside world You think I am self promoting, not in the slightest, i stand up to real issues, often at great personal expense where i see the effects in the real world and peoples lives then trace them back to the source, if i was self promoting as you are projecting, I would be doing youtube videos, writing books and trying to become a figure in society like mooji and these popular spiritual personalities, not that they are bad but thats just not me, my reality is very different, you may not understand the ways of sadhakas in seva, I am simple a dasa. If I was self promoting I would not be the way I am, i would be just agreeing with the flow of the crowd to be accepted when many a time I alienate myself for the greater cause.

    if anyone would accept or even understand what is being said I would just point them to further their learning with others far more qualified than me and then move on, not attach them to me. Anything that i say which if it ever inspires for people to realise it for themselves, I want or need nothing from anyone, only to be kept in seva and defend each persons level of understanding their own divinity, I think and hope some others will get what Im saying and further build on it according to what inspires them, and these silly posts that have nothing to do with Vedanta is just a medium for expressing Vedanta in the right way and covering key issues, im not bored and just posting cause there is nothing else to do. In terms of giving, well you would need to know me in person to see what has been given without not one ounce of wanting anything in return, I am sure you would be pleasantly surprised, and the the service thats done for projects in India and around the world, and whats been given up most people wouldn't understand because they build their whole life as the aim to acquire as a success in life.

    What you have said about BrahmA is not right according to Vedanta, BrahmA is not an outside God or even an outside projection of an external creator that creates the outside external universe and creating Jivas, its the creative principle of individual consciousness, Vedanta does NOT deal with these things, they are ancient (timeless) sciences on consciousness which has no real physical properties, other than which relates to being, thats why modern science cant understand or measure although everyone us knows we have consciousness, the simplest way to say is that we all have BrahmA as an internal Deity that creates first the conditions of the individual from the level of the pure chitta and creates through the gunas the modes of conscious nature, becomes purified due to the end result which creates conditions of suffering due to separation and then when the principle of separated individual consciousness seeks out Vishnu and wakes up becomes a pure transparent medium of the Divine forces Ishwara, who is also not the creator God in the Monotheistic religions, most illiterates in India know this as first nature, but educated intellectuals of Indian especially Western educated Indians cant grasp it because they too have become conditioned by corrupt educations systems. What you have said is mixing BrahmA with the Monotheistic Theology, and its wrong according to your own traditions, its as simple as that, if your offended by this then get a native to explain it to you, or someone you respect that has this knowledge preserved in his adhikara, so lets hear more Indians getting it right so you can accept based on your idea that the brown people are here to save the world, just after Krsna very cleverly killed millions of people for the last 2000 years, just to promote Indian Superiority, send his representatives and install Krsna as the world Godhead, I have not heard in that in Gita or from any of his sadhus, no matter what translations say and the way people manipulate his teachings within translations.

    Lets put something else straight to clear the record, this is not directed to THE PEOPLE who are known as Christians, its about exposing the falsity of Christian Theology so they wake up to the lie that they have been conditioned to, the positive side effect of this is that we can just get on with being minute attributes of Ishvara and expanding that divine Being for the upliftment of a free thinking society, there are many good Gnostic teachings within that tradition, but that is not necessarily a direct source from Christianity, Just as Sanatana Dharma is not necessarily Hinduism, and talking out against Hinduism is not against Indian people or Sanatana Dharma, its about the foreign construct, the isms that has created division between followers of the sikh dharma, Jain Dharma, Buddha Dharma and the siddhantas, the competition of who is the Supreme Shiva and Visnu, these are all foreign ideas that Indian intellectuals are often misguided into, all of the former I have mentioned are sanatana dharma traditions and Hinduism is where these are divided by so called difference of beliefs and does not exist in sanatana dharma, but they do in Hinduism, and falsely educated Indians are actually sometimes the biggest threat to their own culture but lack self awareness. How many Indians have you seen arguing about their views, just because they come from different aspects of Sanatana Dharma, this is due to the foreign construct of Hinduism.

    Harih Om
    Last edited by markandeya 108 dasa; 15 April 2019 at 07:31 AM.

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