
I would like to ask some questions about the universe and its inhabitants.

Let me begin by pointing to this question/answer:


That explains the reason for this universe.

But what do we begin as?

Lets say 10 souls falls from the spirituel world.

What happens then?

Do we then get 10 universes with 1 inhabitant (Brahma) or do we get 1 universe with 10 inhabitants?

If it is the latter then who begins as a demigod (Brahma) and who begins as a human or a cow? Is there not a problem here to? Why should you begin as a demigod (Brahma) and I begin as a human or a cow? Karma? How can there be any karma at this point in time?

First we have to be born (or created) as something that can make some karma...

So what do we begin as?

I hope it is alright to ask these (straightforward) questions and that we can have a good conversation about things.

The questions are for the Hare Krishna movement, but everybody are welcome to join in and come with their understanding of things.

Another question...

How are one to understand this picture:


I do not want a cow body?

And Krishna do not seem to want one either?

So do we all have a body like Krishna (two legs, two arms and one head)?

I am not used to think there are animals in heaven.

For those who want to understand where I am coming from I can point to this conversation:


It also explain how I got to this forum.

Best regards or namaste (what a great word)