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Thread: Things Forbidden in Kaliyug

  1. #1
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    Things Forbidden in Kaliyug


    Shri Shri chaitanya charitamrita Adi Lila 17 th chapter verse 7 quoting from the Brahmaboibartiya purana says that In this age of Kali, five acts are forbidden: the offering of a horse in sacrifice, the offering of a cow in sacrifice, the acceptance of the order of sannyāsa, the offering of oblations of flesh to the forefathers, and a man's begetting children in his brother's wife.

    "aśvamedhaṁ gavālambhaṁsannyāsaṁ pala-paitṛkam
    devareṇa sutotpattiṁkalau pañca vivarjayet

    I want to know after this declaration, how ISKCON and other gadiya maths follow sannyashi parampara in their maths ? sannyasam is a forbidden act in kaliyug but still this is actively followed by them and for this , arguments are also presented . should it be concluded that shri krishnadas kaviraj goswami was not aware of their arguments . why this violation ? they can not tolerate a follower if he wishes to eat fish on the ground of himsa but they do not hesitate to violate the instructions from grand grand grand gurudeva ? is it not disrespect to those who established the pillars of gaudiya vaishnav philosophy ?

  2. #2

    Re: Things Forbidden in Kaliyug

    Jop mala prabhuji

    in reference to sanyasa in Kaliyug being forbidden

    If we see Kaliyug as as state of consciousness where one is attached to sense mind consciousness then yes it’s forbidden and hypocrisy

    vedanta for sake of explaining consciousness is in 4 states 1 being aloka or stateless turiya

    depending on the adhikara if one is in satya yuga this corresponds with sanyasa ashrama

    as I read and reflect on shastra consciousness and adhikara is taken into account then shastra is association with the divine

    krsna dasa is kaviraja and his teachings may not be as literal as we make out in fact they are not we can leave that for unconscious religious followers and intellectuals who cause all divisions and debates

    this is very important not to lose the adhikara conscious beauty of the texts into literal or religious context if that happens dharma is lost

    i have been thinking about a couple of statements about fanatic ahimsa people and who judge by sin

    and i wonder what they would do with people who have no choice but to eat what they can due to environment and finances do they hate these people do they tell them they should die which many might because they don’t have ability or choice to choose their diet is that ahimsa pointing finger you sinners die do not eat only what you have to by no choice

    is that ahimsa

    where vegetarian and vegan becomes most applicable is when people have choice and control over their diet where they can afford to choose like in middle and upper classes or have regular incomes and tend to exploit the resources of nature these situations need more consciousness

    people with less choice that are are always exploited are they then told to just die and they are sinners

    I have lived in many environments 6 years in mountainous regions very little land to farm almost no money should I have told them to starve to death to be free from sin and then watch them die and say yes I am ahimsa person

    i am confused

    maybe lush materialism is ok if you don’t eat meat I support vegetarianism and vegan diet where there is choice

    has people worked on farms some farmers work so hard to make rice and get paid almost nothing is that ahimsa to live of exploitation

  3. #3
    Join Date
    February 2012
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    Re: Things Forbidden in Kaliyug

    Quote Originally Posted by markandeya 108 dasa View Post
    Jop mala prabhuji

    in reference to sanyasa in Kaliyug being forbidden

    If we see Kaliyug as as state of consciousness where one is attached to sense mind consciousness then yes it’s forbidden and hypocrisy

    vedanta for sake of explaining consciousness is in 4 states 1 being aloka or stateless turiya

    depending on the adhikara if one is in satya yuga this corresponds with sanyasa ashrama

    as I read and reflect on shastra consciousness and adhikara is taken into account then shastra is association with the divine

    krsna dasa is kaviraja and his teachings may not be as literal as we make out in fact they are not we can leave that for unconscious religious followers and intellectuals who cause all divisions and debates

    this is very important not to lose the adhikara conscious beauty of the texts into literal or religious context if that happens dharma is lost

    i have been thinking about a couple of statements about fanatic ahimsa people and who judge by sin

    and i wonder what they would do with people who have no choice but to eat what they can due to environment and finances do they hate these people do they tell them they should die which many might because they don’t have ability or choice to choose their diet is that ahimsa pointing finger you sinners die do not eat only what you have to by no choice

    is that ahimsa

    where vegetarian and vegan becomes most applicable is when people have choice and control over their diet where they can afford to choose like in middle and upper classes or have regular incomes and tend to exploit the resources of nature these situations need more consciousness

    people with less choice that are are always exploited are they then told to just die and they are sinners

    I have lived in many environments 6 years in mountainous regions very little land to farm almost no money should I have told them to starve to death to be free from sin and then watch them die and say yes I am ahimsa person

    i am confused

    maybe lush materialism is ok if you don’t eat meat I support vegetarianism and vegan diet where there is choice

    has people worked on farms some farmers work so hard to make rice and get paid almost nothing is that ahimsa to live of exploitation

    Pranam markandeya 108 dasa

    Yes it is a matter of great concern but I am sure people of less choices can adopt them selves in the prevailing conditions because no one would like to go through starvation to prove himself fighter of ahimsa. It is true that rules and philosophies does bother those who has choice to follow. But I like the story you narrated about the way prabhupada and saraswati thakur adopted to get their job done because this the proper way to handle the situation keeping the standard policy away since these are relative in nature and not absolute. The purpose of every standard policy is to do good for the individual and society as a whole. I am telling you a story about how truth and false become relative . There was a great muni who decided that he would strictly follow the policy “ we should speak the truth” and at the time when he was in the state of dhyana, one person appeared before him and hid himself there with a prayer to muni not to disclose his identity to those who were coming in search of him. Suddenly some people came to muni and asked him about the man who came first. The muni then became confused to think that if he followed the policy of speaking the truth strictly and disclosed the identity of the man who came to his shelter would be killed and if not , he would be punished for telling the false. Then he decided to disclose the identity of the man for the sake of truth and the man was killed instantly before the muni. After some time god appeared before muni and advised him that telling the truth is standard policy to follow but not at the cost of a life who comes to you for shelter. Muni could have saved the life of the man if he decided to tell the false apparently but true actually because by saying the false apparently , the life of the man could have been saved. The purpose of every universal policiy is to do good in our life. Here, the truth becomes false because it took the life of the man and the false may become truth by saving the life of the man. So both truth and false is relative not absolute just like himsa and ahimsa. What is himsa and what is ahimsa should be judged keeping in mind what is good for individual and society as a whole

  4. #4

    Re: Things Forbidden in Kaliyug

    Dandavats Jop mala prabhuji

    you won’t get very far with whom the kala desha pata is meant for and it’s doing a job

    A person who may eat fish from the river and mix with rice will have far less damage and impact on the environment than a person who gets vegan food from the shop, considering the logistics packaging made from trees and fossil fuels and the biggest and most dangerous killer ie air pollution is far more himsa than a native who lives off the land and takes off the land he needs but when did religious or fanatics ever have any common sense

    another consideration and some more accurate context on what Srila Prabhupada was talking about

    in india and myanmar the British were setting up cow slaughter houses for industry and to destroy the culture and exploit
    hia preaching was a direct response to animal slaughter industry set up on Christian cultures which is a war religion who have no idea what thou shall not kill means and don’t understand their own book what to speak of naturally occurring dharma and prajna jnana vijnana and Bhakti

    traditionally in many dharma traditions people living In ashrama or have taken vow of being renounced would practice vegetarian and vegan diet but less restriction was given to householders for the main reason that the environment didn’t always support it and as said earlier a sadhu would not reccomend people to fast and suicide to death according to diet

    Also many people who switch from hedonistic meat diet to vegan very quickly often suffer from a sharp turn in health problems so sometimes it’s adviced to do it gradually

    in Buddhist traditions they advice certain days to observe veggie diet based around the moon cycles the intent of this is less is better and if can cut out and stay healthy then is better the monks in zen traditions Chinese and Korean are usually strict vegetarian but do not impose so much on lay followers this maintains a healthy link with the community and they harmoniously

    unlike cult religious freaks that seperate them self as superior and make divisions by rules and false morality based on pride

    over 80 percent of people who switched to vegan went back to their previous diet due to conditioning emotional blackmail same tactics used in the evil abrahamic monotheistic religions which suppressed by fear and rules and mental torture was used in vegan campaigns but due to lack of compassion skill and sticking on values of morality most people regress and live in fear guilt and rebellion to artificial impersonal inhuman himsa preaching buy blind people with only sets of rules and false moral values

    Kala desha pata can contradict itself ahimsa May seem as himsa there is no defined logic or set rules and certainly reciting texts as religious authority like a lawyer or courtroom barrister is only part of an old wartime regime to control people with fear and guilt it’s not easy to deal or solve these conditions and prajna is real prasadam real ahara for citta bhavana not given out just because people mechanically and impersonally follow rules and regulations and use it as a form of showing their own purity and have no broad balance not in themseld or worldview on materialism and klesha

    sadly religious mental cases think that by following rules they are superior and holy among men and they get to decide who has faith and who knows god and all these rather tedious and immature man made ideas no cure for these people other than time and make gross material distinctions like devotee and demon while many of us came from fallen backgrounds if that’s forgotten then ahimsa is lost and karuna of Sri chaitanya and nityanda prabhu is ignored

    the real fight light is against materialism corrupt leaders who have power of populations

    against religion and false educations systems against exploitation’s to solve problems of greed and poverty

    I know many meat eaters that have more human values than puffed up vegetarians and vegans

    if they wanna really help put your money where your mouth is and go out and serve people the environment in balanced way

    krsna teaches balance this can’t be a single doctrine or set rule but religious rule followers that rely on outside sources words in so called holy books won’t ever see madhyamika they are to busy feeling pure and holy

    Dandavats ☯️ ������ ������
    Last edited by markandeya 108 dasa; 28 March 2020 at 07:10 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: Things Forbidden in Kaliyug

    This doesn't belong on a public forum

    Seems that you have a lot of hate for various types of people.
    Gam Gam Ganapati

  6. #6

    Re: Things Forbidden in Kaliyug

    I don’t agree with religion and it’s forced principles

    you dont think christainy has caused so much damage around the world

    isnt Jesus in your estimated a great sinner feeding 5000 people at one time with fish

    why didn’t he tell the right thing to do was fast to death

    whats wrong with speaking out against religion rules and regulations that control people as it causes suffering for many people and is impersonal

    i know many devotees that won’t talk even to their parents and call them meat eating demons due to differences in diet choices and yeah I don’t agree with them and they are nuts and not Krsna conscious and so many devotees have hate for people who don’t accept there ways and usually they are from Christian backgrounds these are just observable facts not my opinions

    before you have a mental breakdown and display ahimsa speech and honesty please answer one question

    would you advise a person like an Eskimo or mountain people that can’t farm to die if they eat fish or animals to survive

    its a simple question
    Last edited by markandeya 108 dasa; 28 March 2020 at 08:56 PM.

  7. #7

    Re: Things Forbidden in Kaliyug

    """i know many devotees that won’t talk even to their parents and call them meat eating demons due to differences in diet choices and yeah I don’t agree with them and they are nuts and not Krsna conscious and so many devotees have hate for people who don’t accept there ways and usually they are from Christian backgrounds these are just observable facts not my opinions"""

    A breakdown? All you do is spew vitriol.
    Gam Gam Ganapati

  8. #8

    Re: Things Forbidden in Kaliyug

    Stop making it personal

    if you want to talk to me answer my questions about self suiciding and people should starve to save them self from sin and flesh eating and you call people faithless if they don’t agree with you

    But really it’s pointless we talk your not on my menu your to holy for me

    just answer me one question or practice patience and keep distance you don’t know many devotees who think and act like this

  9. #9

    Re: Things Forbidden in Kaliyug

    In private groups of devotees I am in many of them are now saying that C19 is a reaction for the karmi demons who eat meat

    how ☹️ they are to think like this

  10. #10

    Re: Things Forbidden in Kaliyug

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Gam Gam Ganapati

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