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Thread: Manifest and Unmanifest: what is the truth?

  1. #1
    Shantanu Guest

    Manifest and Unmanifest: what is the truth?

    Manifest and Unmanifest are very interesting. I will give what I believe I have experienced. It goes like this:

    If the Creator God is to be named Sri Krishna/Durga, He/She does dwell in all living beings but lies dormant until invoked and evoked into correspondence with the jiva (body) to become openly manifest. This is very tough to do for the jiva and God will not stay with the jiva forever. God will not be investigated by the jiva or the jivatman any more than the jiva absolutely needs for his survival as a sadhguru. The jiva then realises the self as jivatmaan and derives truth and knowledge through truth consciousness from the Self which is limited to Brahman (physical energy). Having educated the jiva through the process of the truth-seeking method of satya-advaita to realise his atman and this yoga has gradually eroded away his/her ego and all attachments such that his or her atman=Brahman, there is no need for Creator God to be engaged with the jivaatmaan, as he/she has become self-sufficient and God then retires away (becomes dormant again) from interactions (manifestation) and thus no longer dwells in the jivatmaan. God is then Unmanifest again.

  2. #2
    Shantanu Guest

    Re: Manifest and Unmanifest: what is the truth?

    There is now never again going a time that I revere God for it means I am thanking Him or wishing some outcome from the reverence.
    Reverence to God is a delusional conduct born of fear or bhakti that are totally unfounded because God (whether Sri Krishna as Creator God or as Brahma in Brahman-Nature) is not amenable to being witnessed by humans let alone appreciating all the devotional tributes paid to Him. One is alone in this world and has only other human beings to interrelate with in progressing along a truth path from ones day to day activities that lives out the life that is the only certain reality that exists. In other words self help is the only way to live out a dignified life which is provided for in Brahman-Nature. Does Brahman incorporate Nature, composed of sattvic, rajasic and tamsic gunas? - if so when atman becomes Brahman one is demonstrating all three gunas in a balanced manner that acquires all the knowledge that one needs in order to attain Sat-chit-ananda. There is no such thing as the soul or the atman: the self (I) is Brahman. Soul and atman are philosophical tools (not scientifically-proven entity(ies) to describe the changing development of the self during the process of determining how to be at one with truth, and this process has been ascertained by me as being the willingness and determination to lose all attachments, desires and ego whereupon one is left with only the self as Brahman.

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