Originally Posted by
markandeya 108 dasa
Hare Krsna Viraj Ji,
I have found the external japa can only take the mind so far, at some point it needs to be internalized, there are practices where japa is in rhythm with the breathing, like ajapa japa. Breathing helps to give stability to mind in mediation practice and associating the breathing with a mantra gives more effect to stabilize the internal chatter, this naturally leads to mind being absorbed for different amounts of times and the right type of energy of mind virya becomes part of how the mind is concentrated.
As you have said intention and purpose can work, and each person can be aware of what they want from it, my intentions maybe different or another's different, it just depends on the person and situation. Personally i think that the personality view is a major hindrance, can brahman have a stereotype, can personality be solid or fixed, we are multidimensional beings, the more we know this the more infinite and unbounded we become, i think mostly people are suffering due to having some ideal mode of being or for the world to be a utopia and were supposed to fit into it, the highly religious angel like being figure or so called perfect role models in society for me is a bit sugary and can often miss part of being human and in fact could be a symbol of evil because if others dont fit into this high minded state then they are less, sinners or fallen, outcastes, its all systems of control and has little to do with freedom that others impose and some try to adopt it to fit into society, groups and so on just to feel accepted. Sadhana may help with these things but its not the goal.
Part of Krsna lila and the gopis is that they still have so called faults, can show symptoms of klesha anger, jealously, pride but they are purified into rasa. Vamsi dasa babaji maharaja (avadhuta) and many ancient sadhus dont live in normal society, dont hardly care for it because its run by fools and materialists who only have limited self interests. Vamsi dasa would argue with his murtis and not cook for them because he was not happy with them , jad bharata was considered as dumb and stupid, so what exactly is the personality we try to create, the creation or destruction of the personality is a cause of dukkha. How Brahman enters each Jiva and acts is dependant on samskaras and iccha shakti.
Hare Krsna