An essay on 'Tests of morality, charity and humility'
This essay is especially written with children in mild. Hindu children, need to be not only told and made aware of Hindu literature, they also need to be tested periodically of their knowledge so that they remember.
This essay written by me, rambles from Nammazhwar (a saint of South India), to Rishyasringa, to Jatabharata, to Buddhism in India, all in a coherent effort to explain the title 'Tests of morality, charity and humility'.
Where the context of the previous paragraph ends, I have tried to start the next para within the same context, as much as possible.
I quizzed my children using similar technique making them write and come upon their own essays with a similar theme, and they still love and remember the content they presented that time.
I hope this short essay is enjoyable.
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Tests of morality, charity and humility - An essay
Tests of morality, humility, and charity are almost always given rather arduously by the ordinary folks to the mighty, to truly understand if someone is indeed mighty.
The only exception to this case is when miraculously destiny allows you to recognize someone's might instantly, like when Madhurakavi Azhwar met with Nammaazhwar and became the latter's disciple.
Others not so fortunate, need to seek out the mighty strenuously. Like Kabir Das sought out Acharya Ramananda and got diksha, lying down hidden under the steps at the banks of holy Ganges.
But it is very rare to be another Kabir, and take his efforts to be blessed by the mighty, as we are all pretty mundane. Besides, even if we see Nammazhwar, we would wonder what in the name of miracle he eats not, sleeps not, speaks not, yet survives. We would only think he is a freak but would still not recognize his might. Such is our nature. It seems we always seek the harder path, when it comes to recognizing the mighty for their might.
When Rishyasringa stepped in to the land of King Dasaratha, it started to rain in torrents and famine ended. And everyone realize Rishyasringa's might.
Ah, but that was way too easy in this case.
Our nature is not to make it or take it easy, but to put to trial the might we see in to truly mighty tests.
Like when Jatabharatha was tested by the king by making Jatabharata carry the king's palanquin and then, was asked to go away. But at least that king was kind enough to recognize Jatabharata's might when Jatabharatha probed back thought-provoking yet simple questions on the soul to the king. Then the king became a disciple of Jatabharata.
In olden days, the meek who tested the might were at least honest enough to acknowledge their meekness, once they know they failed the test.
When Changdev who lived for 2000 years heard about Saint Jnaneshwar, he sat on a tiger and came to challenge Jnaneshwar. Jnaneshwar moved a stone wall and subdued him. Then Changdev became a disciple of Jnanadev's sister Mukthabai.
That is how in olden days, Buddhist kings were changed to get back to Hinduism, many, many times. Those who lost acknowledged the fact and became disciples. Even if they were much advanced of age.
After hearing of Dhruva's glory, upon his return from the forest, his father enthroned child Dhruva as the Maharaj - either you agreed to be a follower forever or lose kingdom, that's the lesson if meek lost to the mighty.
But then why are the mighty tested so much?
'Bhagwan nama' is so great even if you utter it once, you are redeemed they say! Once a wicked person who lived in sinful ways all through his life uttered the name of god just once in his lifetime. Upon his death, for his sins he was taken to Yama's court. There they found that he had merit for uttering divine name of Vishnu once. So they decided to give him merit for that utterance and to determine its worth, took his soul to Vaikuntha, and finally conclude, it is of immeasurable merit and give him emancipation (mukthi) and crowned him Devendra.
The name of the mighty alone is enough to redeem one of all his evil through lifetime. That is why the mighty are subject to test, so that they get to their maximum potential! They raise the collective consciousness of the society at large, by their mere presence, and for that, they need to unfold their maximum potential.
That is how beloved India was formerly 'Bharat', it was a land of insurmountable glory owing to all its sages having uplifted the men, the beasts and the birds who lived there! Their level of collective consciousness was far too great.
That is why, when Jatabharatha's greatness was realized by the king, he immediately came down from his palanquin and fell at the feet of Jatabharatha. For while the kings could have earned their merit elsewhere, they need the humility to really keep it going that way!
Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthi.
jai hanuman gyan gun sagar jai kapis tihu lok ujagar