Re: How to best build tolerance?
Namaste Viraja
On the same I am working, my progress is middle, but there is a progress in general but not in one specific case.
I had a loveless mother. She did not like me but was very kind to other children. When I find myself in a situation where I feel left out or ignored, if there is someone more friendly to the other than to me I sometimes freak out. Psychologists call that 'trigger'.
That is what separates us humans from a tree and a grass. We are individuals, have feelings, emotions, vasanas, samskaras. To work on it is important. Suppressing does not lead to the goal. Reading Osho on this is very helpful.
I have a basic resistance to man-made rules, who lump all people together and use analogies that make no sense.
‘Tolerance of a tree’ is a measurement, that indicates the capacity of a tree to grow in the shade of and in association with other trees. A tree that needs much sunlight and space around himself is an ‘intolerant tree’. But this does not mean he is a bad tree. To need light and space is his nature.
Osho – translated from a German book: You are here because life needs you as you are. Otherwise someone else would be here, otherwise creation would not have helped you to be here, it would not have created you. You are fulfilling an essential function, something very meaningful, just as you are. Had God wanted Buddhas, He could have created as many Buddhas as He wanted. But He created only one, that was enough. Now He created you. Think how much the universe appreciates you with this. A blade of grass is needed, as is the largest star. Without that blade of grass, God would be less than He is. A cuckoo is as important as a Buddha. The world would be less, less rich if there were no cuckoo. Everything is needed and everything fits together. It's an organic entity.
Dance with Shiva - live with Shiva - merge with Shiva