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Thread: When will sadhana bear fruit?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    When will sadhana bear fruit?


    Just very recently I started chanting 16 rounds of mahamantra each day............ and also fasting on Ekadasis on water alone.

    To be precise, it has been a month.

    Nothing has changed, my basic constitution remains the same..... slightly envious of those who are materialistically above me, slightly proud when encountering those who are materialistically beneath me, still feeling slightly angry at times.

    Most importantly, remaining an ordinary bhatka, no tears flow from my eyes when reciting the holy names.

    Although just a month, feels like I have been doing sadhana forever.

    Wondering when I will change.

    When will pangs of materialistic desires be uprooted from my heart?

    When will I take up the chanting of holy names with enthusiasm and deep love for god instead of looking at it as a chore.

    What else should I do?

    Anyone knows?

    jai hanuman gyan gun sagar jai kapis tihu lok ujagar

  2. #2
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    Re: When will sadhana bear fruit?

    Namaskar Viraja.

    Please note that you can't get Krishna-prema(love for Krishna) if you don't have a guru(spiritual master).

    Without taking refuge at the feet of a guru(spiritual master),the Hare Krishna maha-mantra cannot give you Krishna-prema but only sattva-guna(mode of goodness).

    Hence you must meet a guru and beg him to accept you as his disciple.


  3. #3
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    Re: When will sadhana bear fruit?

    Namaste Orlando,

    Yes, heard of that suggestion before.

    I am born in a Srivaishnava family and married in the same set-up. My spouse does not object to my spiritual practice but he will certainly panic if I say to him that I want to take a guru.

    (He thinks going beyond a certain point for the sake of spirituality is little fanatic).

    Therefore I am not in a position to take a guru. I hope my continued sadhana will help take a guru at some point in future.

    Nevertheless, even if taking a guru, one has to be blessed with a truly exalted soul and it would be helpful if one has the ability to personally serve him, like how Ishwara Puri served Madhavendra Puri or Narottama Das served Lokanath Swami. I am not sure how far helpful internet gurus will be.

    But there is one guru is India, his name is Dharmavira Prabhu. He lives in Vrindavan and blesses genuine seekers to do 64 rounds of mahamantra sadhana each day. May be he can help but as I said, Krishna has to bless me on the family front to enable me take the guidance of a guru.

    I hope that happens sometime in my life.

    I just raised the question here hoping to hear other's experiences who are on the same boat.


    jai hanuman gyan gun sagar jai kapis tihu lok ujagar

  4. #4
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    Re: When will sadhana bear fruit?

    Namaste Vraja,

    What you have started is Noble and very good and continue to do that with a slight upgrade.

    Do your duty without setting your mind on the results - so, wondering or worried about when you will become "something" is a needless worry and a distraction. It's like when you are served a great meal, your mind is engaged in weight gain. You won't enjoy the meal in the first place with such worries.

    Secondly, the thought of Me, mine and my pride, etc. have to vanish and you should allow it to happen. My Krishna or Krishna is mine alone - just this thought makes Krishna disappear even from the great Vrndavana resident's vision. So, think or start to think this way, Let Krishna take care of me, Let Krishna's energy be activating me, Let Krishna allow me to praise His glories and Let Him take care of my spiritual progress towards Him. In simple words, make Krshna the FIRST and TOPMOST, and do not think of anything else.

    If you can do all these, you will see the progress that you won't and don't care about sharing.

    Hare Krshna

  5. #5
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    Re: When will sadhana bear fruit?

    Thank you, Grames ji.
    jai hanuman gyan gun sagar jai kapis tihu lok ujagar

  6. #6
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    Re: When will sadhana bear fruit?

    Wow..... so many views although no one cares to post anything of value here.

    (Ever since I posted this thread, I'm down with a terrible sorethroat/cold episode, I'm not able to chant anything at all).
    jai hanuman gyan gun sagar jai kapis tihu lok ujagar

  7. #7
    Join Date
    July 2015
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    Re: When will sadhana bear fruit?

    Dear Viraja,

    I want to come back to the subject of Guru.

    Somehow we long for the old Guru concept. But the world has changed. Today, the masses are flocking to masses of (questionable) Gurus, esp. the ones who come to the West or are connected with the West.

    They cannot address each individual disciple. And that is exactly what made the true Guru. He did not set up strict rules, he guided each student along the path that was right for him to the goal attainable for his state of mind. This is vividly illustrated by the story of ‘Ayodadhaumya and his three disciples’.

    ISKCON/Gaudiya demand reciting Mahamantra. There are so many mantras and so many paths to the goal. Finding the right mantra and/or the right path is what distinguishes the true guru and that is only possible on a personal level. It was not for nothing that in ancient times the disciples lived in their Guru's house.

    I think in India these Gurus still exist but they don't go public and are only found by disciples who are supposed to find them.

    The first book I read was ‘Sadhana’ of Swami Sivananda. I bought it on my first visit of his ashram in Rishikesh in 2002. Highly motivated I started reading this real great work, full of techniques and rules for every action of the day, even of the night, recommending to sleep only three hours.

    When I had read the 500 pages my motivation was gone, I was depressed. A friend gave me a book by Osho. After reading it, the motivation was back. I read more of Osho and live since long a spiritually imperfect life according (not only) to Swami Sivananda. But I am happy!

    I forgot all the Gurus, dived deep into ancient India’s poetry, Puranas, Itihasas and spiritual literature and got, free of any pressure, Osho’s view confirmed.

    Become religious out of joy, because you have experienced the beauty that surrounds you, because God has given you the infinitely great gift of life.

    Get religious out of gratitude. Our religious journey is not a caravan of despair, it is a caravan of joy and aliveness.

    Celebrate life.

    At interest read this uplifting articles

    Dance with Shiva - live with Shiva - merge with Shiva

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