Hari Om
I am making this a seperate post to minimize confusion ( I hope!)

Originally Posted by yajvan

  • The Arudha - this post
  • The Upapada - future post
  • Upagraha's - future post
  • I would like to add this one...why are not Uranus, Neptune and Pluto part of the compendium of graha's ? this needs to be answered ...I will take a stab at this in a later post.

I thought to address one of the items listed above on this Krishna Dwitiya Tithi, owned by Brahma.

The question is why is Uranus, Neptue and Pluto no included in Jyotish astrology? It is included in western Astrology.

There are a few thoughts on this.

Notion #1
  • Graha means that which binds or holds. But binds or holds what? Actions or krta, Karma, to the native , to us.
  • Sun, moon, jupiter, mars venus, mercury, saturn rahu and ketu are graha's that bind.
  • Neptune, Uranus and Pluto albiet are planets, yet are not grahas.

    Hence, these graha's have a major influence, and present consequences to beings and actions on this earth.
Notion #2
  • Planets is dervied from the greeks who called them planētēs, or 'wanderer', as they watched the movement of these bodies in the skies.
  • Now, graha's can be planets, but not a planets are graha's.
  • This means Neptune, Uranus and pluto are planets but not graha's.
Notion #3
  • All the planets including Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are graha's.
  • Yet, because Uranus, Nepture and Pluto are so far away and their movement is so slow, their influnce on the individual is minimal.
  • FYI info:
    Uranus stays in one sign ( rasi) for 7 years, and takes 84 earth years to make one trip around the sun.
    Neptune stays in one sign for 13.75 years and takes 165 earth years to complete one revolution around the sun.
    Pluto stays in one sign for 20.7 years, and takes 248 earth years to complete a 360 degree rotation around the sun.
Notion #4
  • the rishi's of Joytish just missed these 3 planets, and where not aware that they existed and therefore didn't include them in their thinking.
Well there you have the 4 reasons I am aware of. Now which is correct? I will leave that to your discussion.

My orientation is the following. Parashara-muni was a brahmarishi, a seer found in the Rig Veda and the father of Jyotish. Because of this rishi (some write rsi) capacity he is considered a seer, a knower of satyam, Truth. When one is firmly established in this Truth , he is also established in Rtambhara Prajna.

This means, full unalloyed truth, intutive wisdom, Rta as the root = realized, perfect truth. With this ability there is nothing that one cannot choose to know. With this faculty, Parasara-muni had all the tools one needs to see the mechanics of this creation. The workings of the grahas and Upagraha's ( we have not discussed yet), let alone multiple dasa systems and varga (divisional charts). So, my orientation is to stay with the master teacher, as I stay with Option#1 above.