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Thread: Significance of Venus as Atma Karaka!

  1. #1

    Significance of Venus as Atma Karaka!

    Dear Scholars,

    I am a beginner, as far as astrology is concerned. I have a couple of qs regarding Venus.

    My Atma Karaka is Venus, which means my past life desire for wealth, beauty, fame etc. is shaping this life. Is this correct understanding, because that's what Venus stands for? Ironically, my jupiter (which is supposed to be spiritual, the opposite of venus) is strong in terms in shadbala.

    Can someone give me an idea of what happens to people who have such contradictory (planetary) positions.


  2. #2
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    Re: Significance of Venus as Atma Karaka!

    Hari Om
    Quote Originally Posted by suresh View Post
    Dear Scholars,

    I am a beginner, as far as astrology is concerned. I have a couple of qs regarding Venus.

    My Atma Karaka is Venus, which means my past life desire for wealth, beauty, fame etc. is shaping this life. Is this correct understanding, because that's what Venus stands for? Ironically, my jupiter (which is supposed to be spiritual, the opposite of venus) is strong in terms in shadbala. Can someone give me an idea of what happens to people who have such contradictory (planetary) positions.
    Namsate Suresh,
    Please consider these HDF Posts...they will assist you:

    Lets talk of Venus first, just for a bit, as he is of Brahmin varna.

    We have had a few posts as of late on the great mrityunjaya mantra .
    One recipient of this sound was Sukracharya. From a graha perspective, He is Venus. It is interesting… at times Venus is seen as a 'he' then as a 'she'.

    Lets talk of Sukra and some of the interesting aspects of this creative impulse. Shukra owns the finest fluids our body can make, that of life and the creative consciousness we may achieve. Sukra owns the apa or fluid tattva. He lords over ojas, this is associated with higher states of consciousness & experiences, and over semen,the fluid of creation.

    It said that Sukra was born of the vital fluid of Lord Siva. Lord Siva as the Supreme creative force, finds expression of this through the works of Venus/Sukra and the fluids he influences and manages.

    Sukracharaya is also known as Daitya Guru and is part of Tapaswi Raja Yoga . Lets talk of these two.
    Tapaswi Raja or King of tapas
    One does not quickly see venus as a tapas centered graha. He earned this via hanging upside down from a tree for 20 years. This twenty years is the length of Venus' dasa period in the Vimshottari (120 year) dasa system.

    Sukra's tapas:
    While hanging,
    smoke was blowing on him ( homam) from the fire (agni) below him. Tapas is a heating up, burning off impurities in the sadhu. This tapas ability comes from several conditions coming together ( as it must have for Sukracharya):
    • Sani or saturn's ability for one pointedness and fixity to 'stay the course'
    • Ketu and moksha, and the yajya homam below Sukra ;
    • Sukra and his enherent ability of desire for Moksha.
    Daitya Guru
    Due to Sukra being a Brahmin varna, His assignment was to the Daitya's or the demons. A bit more information may be of use here, yet he is still the guru as is Jupiter, Brihaspiti.

    Lets stop here so there's reading and thinking time.

    Last edited by yajvan; 15 July 2007 at 04:39 PM.
    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


  3. #3

    Smile Re: Significance of Venus as Atma Karaka!

    Quote Originally Posted by suresh View Post
    Dear Scholars,

    I am a beginner, as far as astrology is concerned. I have a couple of qs regarding Venus.

    My Atma Karaka is Venus, which means my past life desire for wealth, beauty, fame etc. is shaping this life. Is this correct understanding, because that's what Venus stands for? Ironically, my jupiter (which is supposed to be spiritual, the opposite of venus) is strong in terms in shadbala.

    Can someone give me an idea of what happens to people who have such contradictory (planetary) positions.

    Om Shirdi Sai Ram.
    Namaste Suresh.

    Worldly Desires
    sex, relationships, luxury,Sensuality
    Spiritual lesson
    accepting relationships the way they are, avoiding Excessive behaviour,Controlling Sensuality.

    For an analysis of the horoscope,the Date of Birth,Time of Birth and Place of Birth is required.

  4. #4
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    Re: Significance of Venus as Atma Karaka!

    Hari Om
    Quote Originally Posted by Arvind Sivaraman View Post
    Om Shirdi Sai Ram.
    Namaste Suresh.

    Worldly Desires
    sex, relationships, luxury,Sensuality
    Spiritual lesson
    accepting relationships the way they are, avoiding Excessive behaviour,Controlling Sensuality.
    Namaste Suresh and Arvind,
    Arvind, you give wise council as a total look of ones chart is needed. Wht you suggest is true at the mundane level of life, is accurate, and remains so... yet of what direction of worldly desires? increasing/decreasing? How does one know?

    Now what of higher levels ? Sukracharaya is of great import IF he is the Atmakaraka, and if Suresh is considering a spiritual path. This is good council in accepting relationships, avoiding excessive behaviors - yet this is a 'truth' that a business person should also carry in his/her or her bag too, yes?

    One then would look to the Navamsa chart + the D20 or Vimsamsa varga chart. As my teacher has said, not one step can be made into the viewing of the natives horoscope without the assistance of divisional charts... he said 'one should run the other way' if the Jyotishi just uses the rasi chart.

    So which ones to look at ?
    Shad varga - 6 divisions
    Sapta varga - 7 divisions
    Dasa varga - 10 divisions
    Shodasa varga - 16 divisions

    Patterns and strength or weakness start to show themselves when the varga charts are grouped & evaluated - e.g. vargottma conditions, exaltation's and debilities of the graha's ( these are good for the sadhu) and a balance there of.

    To this ability, one is considered an excellent it it was a 16 layer chess board, and the Jyotishi is able to see the 'moves', strengths, potentials and possibilities arising.

    A KEY POINT: if the rasi chart, the janma kundali, does not show a potential initially, the other varga charts cannot contradict the blueprint of the natal chart.

    More reading on this is offered by Parashara muni.

    Last edited by yajvan; 17 July 2007 at 10:24 AM.
    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


  5. #5

    Re: Significance of Venus as Atma Karaka!

    Dear Yajvan and Arvind,

    Thanks for your replies.

    My interest in venus as AK is due to the sudden and unexpected shift to materialism 2-3 months ago. Until then, I was spiritual. Now I am the exact opposite of what I used to be, which is quite incredible, considering it'd happened so quickly. Everybody's shocked by the transformation.

    I am quite certain venus is responsible, because it is venus dasa for me, and also venus is AK. Plus, just when this transformation took place, my bhukti also changed from rahu to jupiter. And venus is in jupiter's sign!


  6. #6
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    Re: Significance of Venus as Atma Karaka!

    Quote Originally Posted by suresh View Post
    Dear Yajvan and Arvind,
    My interest in venus as AK is due to the sudden and unexpected shift to materialism 2-3 months ago. Until then, I was spiritual. Now I am the exact opposite of what I used to be, which is quite incredible, considering it'd happened so quickly. Everybody's shocked by the transformation.

    I am quite certain venus is responsible, because it is venus dasa for me, and also venus is AK. Plus, just when this transformation took place, my bhukti also changed from rahu to jupiter. And venus is in jupiter's sign!
    Namste Suresh,
    without looking at ones janma kundali, all for me is conjecture... Sukrachara is a fine graha, and brings us the finer things in life. Yet attachment to the matereial side, is not just sukra. Please consider rahu.
    And being in the dasa of Venus, recall this is 6 levels deep if you are considering Vimshottari dasa system, one of tyhe best Udu systems. Is it applicable to your chart? Parashara gives parameters on this.
    Also - what does Narayana dasa usggest - how is the world coming to you? and that of Drig ddas , which views ones spiritual encounters?

    Last looking to the D20 chart , and D9 will also give you the reasons, YET these have to be done for the Tithi pravesha chart if you has your course has been spiritual , now something else is on the rise in the last 6 months or so. This will offer a pleochroic view. One chart nor one graha does not make one's life.

    Perhaps seeing a jyotishi that is local can assist... have one look to the things above. Yet at the end of the day, you are blessed with free will, yes? And you can choose accordingly.

    Last edited by yajvan; 17 July 2007 at 06:27 PM. Reason: corrections to Spelling
    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


  7. #7

    Smile Re: Significance of Venus as Atma Karaka!

    Quote Originally Posted by suresh View Post
    Dear Yajvan and Arvind,

    Thanks for your replies.

    My interest in venus as AK is due to the sudden and unexpected shift to materialism 2-3 months ago. Until then, I was spiritual. Now I am the exact opposite of what I used to be, which is quite incredible, considering it'd happened so quickly. Everybody's shocked by the transformation.

    I am quite certain venus is responsible, because it is venus dasa for me, and also venus is AK. Plus, just when this transformation took place, my bhukti also changed from rahu to jupiter. And venus is in jupiter's sign!

    Om Shirdi Sai Ram.
    Namaste Suresh.
    In your case,Planet Jupiter and Ketu is in 12th House from the Atmakaraka Venus in Navamsa.The ancient Rishis suggest that one will go to superior lokas.I would strongly suggest you donate some amount of your earnings to needy and poor.Also you may consider some donations to temples.Particulary, temples like Sri Ramakrishna Samadhi,Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple,Sri Ramana Ashram and the likes.

  8. #8

    Re: Significance of Venus as Atma Karaka!


    Namaste Suresh.
    In your case,Planet Jupiter and Ketu is in 12th House from the Atmakaraka Venus in Navamsa.The ancient Rishis suggest that one will go to superior lokas.
    Is it moksha, or is it satya and other lokas that are commonly referred to? Usually, I've heard that people who have ketu in 12th in their rashi chart attain moksha. I haven't so far heard anything about navamsha, so could you kindly explain?

  9. #9

    Smile Re: Significance of Venus as Atma Karaka!

    Quote Originally Posted by suresh View Post

    Is it moksha, or is it satya and other lokas that are commonly referred to? Usually, I've heard that people who have ketu in 12th in their rashi chart attain moksha. I haven't so far heard anything about navamsha, so could you kindly explain?
    Om Shirdi Sai Ram.
    Namaste Suresh.
    Superior Lokas - Meaning to enjoy the benefits of the good deeds done.
    Maharishi Jaimini mentions that if a benefic Planet like Mercury,Venus and Jupiter resides in the 12th house from the Atmakaraka in the Navamsa then one goes to superior lokas.
    In your horoscope Planet Jupiter (the foremost benefic) alongwith Planet Ketu resides in the 12th house from Atmakaraka Venus in the Navamsa.

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