I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one "new" to Sanatana Dharma here. In my previous religions (Christianity and Islam), it was a mechanical devotion to God and you were punished if you didn't obey, thus leaving little room for spiritual discovery. I've experienced something...different (for lack of a better term) today that is new to me but is intertwined with my newfound faith (in Hinduism).

Someone on a different forum mentioned his/her experience with the Divine Mother. He/she said that he/she was meditating on their Third-Eye Chakra.
I decided to try this. Because of my impatience, I only planned to do it for a minute.

I began to focus my energy into my Third Eye while meditating on Maa Durga Who resides in our Sahasrara Chakra (the Thousand-petaled lotus chakra in our soul). I only did this for not even a minute, but this was a VERY influential period of time and it was AMAZING.

After starting the meditation, I closed my eyes and pictured my soul. It was pure white, and the only thing that was there was Maa Durga, sitting crossed-legged on the Thousand-petaled lotus flower and meditating. I then pictured Her Beautiful Face. Her Eyes were closed. Suddenly, She opened them. Simultaneously, I opened mine and yelled. I then felt multiple shivers up my spine and I began trembling. I began to burn up while shivering at the same time. I then went to my physical mother and asked if I felt hot. She said I felt really cold.

Afterwards, I was pacing back and forth in my living room. I couldn't rest and I had enough energy to run 7 miles and then play Soccer/Football right after. I then lie down to rest. I felt as if I had to vomit and I was shaking back and forth while chanting the only sloka I had memorized ("Yaa Devi sarvabhuteshu..."). The feeling in my spine remained, and still remains now. It was a feeling in my lower spine that I couldn't describe. As I'm typing this, my whole spine is trembling yet again in the same way it was seconds after opening my eyes.

This is probably VERY common for all of you here. However, being born in the West, I would be termed "possessed" in all experiences other than crying in church/while reciting salat (depending on the religion), so this is new to me. What is this (what happened to me) called, and how can I experience it again? I'm aching to see Maa Durga's Divine Dark-Brown Eyes and Her Beautiful Face and Smile again. Because of this experience, I am 110% devoted and I can now finally give up the things I had so much trouble giving up before (such as meat).