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Thread: Sneezing to Enlightenment...

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    Sneezing to Enlightenment...

    Hari Om

    Namaste ,

    Bob G and I were having a conversation over in the Siva Sutras section, discussing the void (sūnyatā, शून्यता); I thought perhaps this post may give one the opportunity to poke around at a simple but viable technique.
    Quote Originally Posted by yajvan View Post
    ... this sūnyatā, शून्यता- that is, voidness, is one of degree. For Kasmir Saivism it is found in karikas within techniques...
    The beauty of Vijnana Bhairava tantra is of its simplicity, and that we all have the faculties to experiment and try the approaches, etc. How so ? If one breathes there are techniques for leveraging the breath as a technique. If one thinks, then one can meditate, and for this this conversation, if one sneezes then the sadhu can also find this gap, this sūnyatā.

    We have heard of the term 'pregnant pause'? This is a perfect name for this experience. I will assume all of us sneeze from time to time... those with allergies may sneeze more often.

    Just before one sneezes there is a gap, sunya is there. Between sneeze and no-sneeze. One can feel it, there is a welling up. There is a pause, a gap yet it is pregnant with the forth coming action of sneezing. Allowing ones awareness to go to this gap and just notice it is a centering, madhya, technique. There is a silence one can experience.

    Now this gap does not last for long as one follows though and sneezes.. Yet you can catch it one the other size - the 'after sneeze' gap of amatra¹ or the unmeasured.

    After sneezing there is relief, yes? A void has been created, a calm if you will. Put your attention on this amatra and one will also find a gap there too. This one feels more balanced, as the 'pregnant' e.g. the stored energy of the sneeze no longer exists. Yet the gap seems more accessible because:
    • the body, for a moment is at rest the mind is empty
    • the pause tends to be longer due to the dissipation of the stored up sneeze and its energy release
    • ones mind does not quickly look for another thought to attach to
    • If the sneeze was a big one, or with multiple sneezes in a row e.g. the staccato sneezer [ I know a few!], then the pause at the end of the sneeze is longer.
    If this occurs one's awareness can stay longer at this amatra.

    Some simple guidelines for the successful sneeze technique that I have found useful.
    1. Expect Nothing - simple but a profound state of mind. If something happens fine, if not fine. This continues the 'balance' of this upaya.
    2. Be Innocent - how does one do that? Go back to point one. Simple.
    3. No Forcing Needed - when we say put your attention there, this does not infer whipping of forcing. Its just one of intent. We put our awareness there with slight intent. Just as you are sitting and plan to stand up. There is no long conversation with youreself about doing it. It's simple and just a slight intent to stand , the body responds. Same with the awareness, just that slight intent to move the awareness there and it goes without any beatings or force.

    1. amtra is is from मात्रा or mAtrA (note without the a in the beginning) = quantity , size , duration , number , degree, metrical unit , a mora or prosodial instant i.e. the length of time required to pronounce a short vowel i.e. the measure of any kind. So by adding 'a' , 'a' + mAtra we change the word to not measured.
    So a-mAtrA is without measure. It is still something one can comprehend, yet it is without any metric placed on it. Some examples - the unstuck sound I like this one, but too esoteric. How about Infinity? Something one can sense intutively yet not measure. How about Silence? In this case for this post , silence is the operative word.


    Last edited by yajvan; 23 November 2007 at 01:27 PM.
    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


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