I understand that....but how do we get there is the question...I guess numerous yogas are just different ways....btw, here are some of them I have found definitions of.

Agama Yoga: Mental Hatha Yoga

Agni Yoga: Living through freeing the fire within by completing desireful acts.

Anahat Yoga: We all need something to rely on....this teaches to rely on yourself.

Ananda Marga Yoga: Sum of Pra'rambhika Yoga, Sa'dharana Yoga, Sahaja Yoga, Vishesha Yoga, and Rajadhira'ja Yoga.

Anusara Yoga: (Tantric philosophy + hatha yoga) What we see through our senses is god...Maya is within us...and it goes away through Hatha Yoga.

Vamachara Yoga(left hand path - tantric): Transgressive, Hardest, neither nondual nor dual.(Tamsic)

Madhyama Yoga(mid path - tantric): unemotional interpretation.(rajasic)

Dakshinachara Yoga(right hand path - tantric): asceticism and meditation.(Saatvik)

NeoTantra Yoga: Salvation through having sex.(together)

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga: Purifies the body through heating it by Hatha Yoga postures.

Hatha yoga: based on freeing 3 muscular locks from our bodies; mula(root lock), udiyana(abdominal lock), and jalandhar bandha.(throat lock) Also frees 9 Dhristis Locks;
There are, in total, nine drishtis that instruct the yoga student in directing his or her gaze.
Each pose is associated with a particular drishti. They include:
Angusta ma dyai: to the thumb
Broomadhya: to the third eye, or between the eyebrows
Nasagrai: at a point six inches from the tip of the nose
Hastagrai: to the palm, usually the extended hand
Parsva: to the left side
Parsva: to the right side
Urdhva: to the sky, or inwards
Nabichakra: to the navel
Padayoragrai: to the toes

For list of yogic postures: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of..._yoga_postures

And last and probably the least popular...Mantras break the mental locks.

Bhakti Yoga: Easiest dual method, path of unconditional and unselfish love.

Bikram Yoga: Heat Yoga...based on practicing a subpractice of hatha yoga in 105°F (40.5°C) in 90 minutes.
26 posturse aren't to be practiced on the same day but they are;
# Sanskrit English
1 Pranayama Series Standing Deep Breathing
2 Ardha Chandrasana with Pada-Hastasana Half Moon Pose with Hands To Feet Pose
3 Utkatasana Awkward Pose
4 Garurasana Eagle Pose
5 Dandayamana - JanuShirasana Standing Head To Knee Pose
6 Dandayamana - Dhanurasana Standing Bow Pulling Pose
7 Tuladandasana Balancing Stick Pose
8 Dandayamana - Bibhaktapada - Paschimottanasana Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose
9 Trikonasana Triangle Pose
10 Dandayamana - Bibhaktapada - Janushirasana Standing Separate Leg Head To Knee Pose
11 Tadasana Tree Pose
12 Padangustasana Toe Stand Pose
13 Savasana Dead Body Pose
14 Pavanamuktasana Wind Removing Pose
15 Sit Up Sit Up
16 Bhujangasana Cobra Pose
17 Salabhasana Locust Pose
18 Poorna - Salabhasana Full Locust Pose
19 Dhanurasana Bow Pose
20 Supta - Vajrasana Fixed Firm Pose
21 Ardha - Kurmasana Half Tortoise Pose
22 Ustrasana Camel Pose
23 Sasangasana Rabbit Pose
24 Janushirasana with Paschimottanasana Head To Knee Pose with Stretching Pose
25 Ardha - Matsyendrasana Spine Twisting Pose 26 Khapalbhati Blowing In Firm

Dahn Yoga: Improves energy system through qi(korean yoga), Mixture of Tai Chi, Hatha yoga, and Martial Arts exercises. Meridian Stretching, postures, meditation, etc. Perhaps the universal secret to physical strength.