Analysing the dreams gives a strong insight into "how ONE becomes MANY".

A dream is like a drama in which several characters take part. Scientific explanation of dream is that the "story" & the "characters" in a dream are creation of mind taking impressions from our expreriences in real life in the past.

Now, let's analyse this "dream" thing.

All dreams are created by "me", within "me", wholly with the materials of "me" ( stimulants may be from outside but they are just stimulants, actual thing has to be created out of "me" only), therefore, the dream cannot be anything other than the "me". So whatever comes in the dream is
just a part of "me"( or say, different manifestations of "me") .... that includes the story, the characters, their specific roles, dialogues etc. So, just one "me" manifests itself into "many" which apparently look completely different.

Now, the greatest surprise is not this. Say, in a dream there are two characters ... one "me" & the other "my friend". The "me" in the dream gives a sense of real "me" in the dream too but not "my friend" in the dream. "My friend" in the dream acts as a separate individual on his own ... in fact, "he" sometimes does things which not expected by "me". How does he do like that ? If he is just a charater of a story written by my mind, his act should be known to "me" ... which is not the case.
So, there must be an "I" in him too, apparently different from my "I", to be able to act in such an indendent manner. If my "I" is not making him "live" & a "separate entity" who/what does it ? Where does this seemingly independent "I" come from ? This must come from "me" as there is no
one else !

There is another surprise too. Though there is already an "I" in the dream, there is another who is watching the whole dream ... as if the "I" has got divided into two. Many a times, the "I" of the dream doesn't exactly behave as the "I" in reality.

.... How can "I" play multiple roles & maintain separate individualities all at the same time. How is it logically explained ? The only logical explanation can be that what appears as "I" is capable of manifesting itself in multitude maintaining separate individualities in its different roles, all at
the same time which we are unable to understand.

Doesn't that gives an insight into the mystery behind this whole "creation" ?