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Thread: Article: New Members - Some Core Ideas for HDF

  1. #1
    Join Date
    September 2006
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    New Members - Some Core Ideas for HDF

    hari o


    For those joining HDF it is great to have you here. I thought I would share this with you ...Some time ago a handful of members discussed how we can make the forum better, that is to add value , perhaps depth and breath to the offer.

    All of the HDF members that wished to participate gave insightful feedback on this matter. Here is what we captured as valuable for the HDF participant to consider when posting.

    • Greeting your reader - one simple thing you can consider for infusing this cuture into your actions is starting here with your posts. A 'hello' or namaste , or a saluation of greeting. And at the end a thank you, or praṇām , or dhanyavāda. Why do so? It sets the tone for the conversation.
      We're simple people and we greet each other with respect.These are our customs.

    • A key tenet: Reading (something) does not insure comprehension. As you post your ideas, please consider the reader. Helping the reader understand your POV is important. Will they get your idea, concept?
    • High on the list of 'unattractive' is cut 'n paste. There is little value to a cut 'n paste from another site that does not add definition, conclusions and points of reason one is to be considering. If one uses cut 'n paste, What does that sūtra, mantra, vallī, etc. mean to you ? to the conversation?
      • If the quoted works come from the wise take a stab at what the parable means, otherwise it is just ink on paper, nothing more. This is how we stretch our thinking , our concepts, our understanding. How will one reach the Infinite if we are content with limits?
    • Quality is king - Many see HDF other then a message board. Some great ideas and insights are available to you. So you may consider how one adds value to the conversation, a POV, etc.
    • Define your terms - if Sanskrit is offered, or Latin, or other language, provide the English rendition, and maybe root words of its origin, this is for learning purposes.
      That is why you see many posts that have definitions of words attached, embedded to the postings. This is the reason we started the lexicon. We cannot communicate if we do not know the words. Plus it is a relevant learning vehicle for new words.
      • Note too that you run the risk of having your post deleted if you do not define your terms...

    • Respect, humble, & openness to others and their ideas... a 'no spanking policy'. Recognize good work. We will do this via compliments, and applause. The intent:- catch people doing something right and acknowledge their good work. Make corrections to thinking, but not at the expense of ones good nature or mental health.
    • If there is an issue with another member - this is called jalpa. It will be handled in the proper manner. This post and the conversations contained therein outlines the approach:

    words & references
    Last edited by yajvan; 10 July 2014 at 12:53 PM. Reason: Revision to 'define your terms'
    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


  2. #2

    Re: New Folks ... Some Core Ideas for HDF

    Namaste friends,
    I am Laxmi from Nepal. I am a Hindu-follower of Sanatan Dharma. I am very excited to learn about our Hindu dharma and culture-which varies wide accross the geographical areas.
    I have heard that Hindus are supposed to be vegetarians, but majority of Hindus in Nepal eat meat. In Durga Pooja(largest and national fesitval in Nepal) we sacrifice animals for Goddess Durga and eat meat.
    I just read few posts on vegetarians and HIndus and got to know it is controversial.
    I am sure I will learn a lot from this forum and it would be a good place to pose questions and get answers and share the things I know.

  3. #3

    Re: New Folks ... Some Core Ideas for HDF

    Welcome Laxmi.
    I am sure you will learn a lot from here.
    btw, I am always interested in knowing different contries in more detail.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    December 2008
    Amherst, MA -- Derry, NH
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    Re: New Folks ... Some Core Ideas for HDF


    I'm Vishal, a follower of Sanatana Dharma, in the New England area of the United States. I've only been practicing for about 6 months but it's completely changed my life in an extremely positive way. I was online searching for a way to learn more, not just from a scholarly POV but also from a personal POV. So when i came across this forum, i was pleasantly surpised to see so much information and personal experience that the members have been sharing and it convinced me to join.

    I only hope that at some point i can be of help to others the way some of you have already helped me!

    Om Namah Shivaya,

  5. #5

    Re: New Folks ... Some Core Ideas for HDF

    Namaste to all,
    I'm new member joined from California, came to US from India.I've been trying to understand my religion as much as possible.During search, I came across this forum, from now on, I hope, I understand better under the guidance of senior members.

    thanks for accepting my membership,
    Om Namah Shivaya,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    September 2009
    Baltimore, Md USA
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    Re: New Folks ... Some Core Ideas for HDF


    My name is Satyaban and I live on the East Coast of the U.S. I am also an old member of Hindunet.

    Om shanti shanti Om
    All is Siva there is nothing without Siva.

  7. #7

    Re: New Folks ... Some Core Ideas for HDF

    Namaskar all,
    My name is Rajal and i live in Toronto, Canada. i have been a Hindu all my life but only in the past year or so have i started to understand some of the concepts of our glorious Dharma and the science behind them. Looking forward to learning more.
    Har Har Mahadev!

  8. #8

    Re: New Folks ... Some Core Ideas for HDF

    Namaste All,

    This is Surya, currently located on the East Coast of USA.
    I am a Hindu by religion & want to learn more about our Dharma.

    If any of you speak telugu, You can get more information / hear Pravachanams of Sri Chaganti Koteswara Rao garu from Kakinada.

    You can get all his discourses from

    Thanks & Regards

  9. #9

    Smile Re: New Folks ... Some Core Ideas for HDF

    Om Swastiastu,

    I am md, Hindu, from Bali, Indonesia,
    I hope to get lots of information about my religion or another dharma in this forum.

    Sorry my english is bad so I just read it first maybe someday will come to give comment.

    Om shanti shanti shanti Om

  10. #10

    Re: New Folks ... Some Core Ideas for HDF

    Welcome to HDF Md,
    don't worry about your english, my english is not good either.!!

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